Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,80

of how many piercings she had, and from her bulky frame, she gave off the impression of a bad chick that rides a motorcycle and does drugs or something.

That was me assuming, and her two partners in crime had similar appearances. It was like meeting a female biker gang of three, and the fact they were trying to beat up my Tristana marked them as dead.

How dare they try to beat up my woman?!

"You finished gaslighting?"

My girly voice was gone, the tone going an octave lower than usual. The words were a low growl that vibrated against my throat and got their attention.

A true rumble like a muted roar.

"Oh shit," one of them said, her side-shave hairdo catching my attention. Hideous green with yellow and red. Horrible combination.

"Why you afraid of this human shit? Look at her. Weak as fuck." The girl with bright orange hair began to laugh and toss her hand at me as though she was brushing me away. "C'mon, human kitten. Go back to your cell like a good girl."

"Cass," Tristana warned, her worried eyes looking my way, but my vision was beginning to narrow, the tunneled view of the three girls locked in as my blood felt like it was boiling.

Bubbling in anger and waiting for me to explode. Boy, am I going to fucking explode.

"Two things can happen here. You either apologize to my girlfriend, or I fucking kill all three of you. Those are the only options. Choose wisely."

I wasn't playing around. I didn't give a flying fuck if I was a human. Right now, I was raging mad, and I knew my so-called BTS was going to kick some supernatural ass any second now.

"Apologize?!" the middle girl gasped before hysterically laughing and pointing at me like I'd said something hilarious.

"You're not serious! Apologize to your lesbian ass? If you think this place is yours, it's not. We've been here for years. Our crime? Killing puny little kids like you. Humans who think they're the shit because we're locked up in an underground box that seals our magic, but we know how to beat the system. Not like we need to waste such efforts on you."

She pointed to Tristana and grinned tauntingly at me.

"This bitch is going to die today. You can either take her place or shut the fuck up and watch."

Die? This woman doesn't like oxygen.

The sound of that voice in my head should have spooked me, but this was what happened when I went into BTS mode. My thoughts seemed to have a mind of their own, speaking into the expanse of my consciousness in a woman's deep voice instead of fluttering in my mind.

The words spoken always encouraged me to do what I wanted to do. Even if it went against the rules. I could already envision Omarion getting all upset with me. In fact, I could envision Otis, Adonis, and Dominick shaking their heads while Tristan had to be the bearer of bad news and explain how I lost it.

Welp! No regrets.

Today was a shitty day, and it was about to get hell of a lot worse — for these bitches.

"I thought I asked a question." I walked over to where Tristana knelt. She looked up at me, her eyes pleading for me to stop what she knew I was about to do, but whatever flashed in my eyes was enough to have her gawking at me.

"Stop wasting my fucking time!" the woman screamed, her hand shooting out at me. "Girls. Kick her fucking ass until she's broken!"

"Finally!" the girl with hideous hair declared, racing toward me.

A bell rang in my head, one that reminded me of the chimes you'd hear in a beautiful garden when the wind passed by. It always happened when I really lost it, and the sudden sound of bones crunching as my fist punched the woman's side made my grimace morph into a sinister smile.

Yup. BTS activated.

"Fuck!" the woman screamed in agony, cowering to the ground before coughing up blood. "My ribs!"

She was heaving and coughing up more blood, while I returned to standing straight, lowering my fists and staring at the two women who looked back at me with shock.

"Shit! You said she wasn't anything special! Look at her fucking eyes!"

What's wrong with my eyes? Oh, who cares.

The guys always complained about me being possessed by the devil when I went all apeshit on them, but did that matter right now? Nope. These bitches messed with the wrong chick and the only Copyright 2016 - 2024