Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,79

but today was far worse than the norm.

I was cranky because today was the last day I'd get to see the guys before they got "transferred" and Tristan moved to the other "prison."

No more warm cuddles with Tristan or Adonis randomly coming to my cell to give me a snack. No more of Dominick’s positive words and random sweet kisses. No more of Otis's grumbles and complaints, and I hadn't seen Omarion at all.

Prison life was about to return to...normal.

Back to Boringville.

All of that had added to the tension of today, and my cramps were the worst I'd had in years. I knew that I'd get my period sooner or later, but without my phone to tell me exactly what day I'd get it, I woke up to the lovely surprise and the cramps to kicking me in the ass.

Whatever connections Tristan did have were pulled today, because he somehow managed to snag me a few boxes of tampons to ease me over the three-day struggle.

Thank goodness mine is three days. If I was plagued with a full seven-day period, life itself would be over. I'd be the biggest overdramatic goddess this earth ever experienced.


I was zipping my vest, but the sound of Alisha's voice made me pause.

Glancing over to the bars of my cell, I noticed she was casually leaning against the wall, her purple-magenta eyes now a vivid black that glowed, even in the dim hall.


"I suggest you spend less time standing there, and go save your boyfriend before they skin him alive."

"What?" I had no clue what she was talking about, but my mind immediately went to Tristan. "Tristana?"

"Getting ganged up on in the cafe."

My heart stopped, and I rushed to the bars before I remembered the cell was locked.


The door clicked before I could finish, and I glanced over to Alisha, who was inspecting her long, matte black nails that had tiny purple flames on them.

"I owe you, Alisha!"

I was grateful for whatever sorcery she'd just used, because I was out of my cell and racing down the hall before I could think. How I got to the underground cafeteria in a blur was something I'd think about after I knew Tristan was safe.

Next time I see Alisha I have to ask her how she even knew Tristana is a boy.

My feet skidded to a stop when a crowd blocked me from getting any farther into the cafeteria. People were cheering, some screaming 'GET HER,' while others pleaded for them to stop.

The screaming was beginning to make my ears ring, but it was Tristana's voice that reached me from the entrance.

"Try again, you fucking bitch. Next time you hit my face, I'll kill you!"

"Oh, I'll hit that stupid pretty face of yours. Then you'll be stuck in that cell with your lesbian friend who thinks she runs this prison."

Lesbian friend? Is she referring to me?

I hadn't cared about snuggling with Tristan, knowing he'd wake up before the morning guard came in and change back to his female form, but the word must have gotten out that we slept in the same cot.

"Move," I declared, the first two rows of prisoners glancing my way before they shuffled to the side, making me a path. I didn't have to speak again, as the rest of the five rows of prisoners moved out of the way.

Another parting of the prisoner sea, but I couldn't care less. My eyes were on my target, and now that there was no one left to block me, they landed on three girls who were standing in front of Tristana, who was crouched down on one knee and holding her side.

Her face was laced with wild anger, her eyes scanning the three individuals. I knew she must have been peeved, especially because I knew how powerful she was. She might be the playful one in our group, but get her upset and she would wreck you in the butthole and make sure you wouldn't be able to walk again.

It's happened before.

If she reacted the way she wanted to, no doubt she'd blow her cover, and seeing as I hadn't seen Omarion anywhere, no one would be able to bail her out.

Would the Secret Ops even care? Maybe they want him to fuck up and stay in here. No one knows their motivation, not even Tristan.

"We hate bitches like you. Think you got rights down here?! I think not!" The main girl had dark pink hair and tattoos all over her body. I lost count Copyright 2016 - 2024