Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,78

expose my neck.

"You can't back out of this, Cassandra," he stressed once again.

"I know," I whispered, and lowered my head just slightly to look at him with compassion. "I don't want to back out. I want this...just as I've always wanted you."

His cheeks burned crimson before he shyly looked away. "Always saying silly shit."

Those fingers silenced my comeback as they began to move at a rapid pace.

His lips smothered mine, passion coursing through our connection while those fingers fucked me fast and deep.

How amazing it felt to be fingered by someone else instead of myself, my pleasure rising higher and higher, creeping through my body like rushing waters heading towards a waterfall.

His lips released me as my legs trembled, my moans echoing around us as my pussy fluttered around his fingers.

"Close," I warned, feeling like my climax would hit me at any moment. He seemed to pump those fingers even faster, my body shaking as I prepared for my strong orgasm.

"Cum, Cassandra." His instruction was followed by his mouth sucking the right side of my neck, igniting my climax.

I screamed in ecstasy, his fingers sinking deep into my pussy, but as the sharpness of his fangs teased my flesh, what happened next silenced me completely.

His teeth sank into my skin, my blood rushing outward as he sucked deeply. My eyes grew wide at the rushing pain and intense pleasure that followed.

My body shook as that build of pleasure restarted itself, growing more and more intense with each suck that followed. It was like being on an ecstatic rollercoaster ride, one where bouts of pleasure continued to hit you.

I came again, but I couldn't even moan. It was like being frozen mid-orgasm, the pleasing rush going on and on in an endless cycle. Otis hooked his arm around my waist, holding me up when my body stopped responding.

He moaned deeply, and I could only imagine what he was feeling with his hard bulge pressed against me.

I had no clue when he'd removed his fingers, but it didn't matter because I was beyond cloud nine. My eyes rolled back, a whimper leaving me as I fought to stay conscious.

The world felt like it was spinning, the prickles and tingles of pleasure almost unbearable. It felt too good. I couldn't think anymore, and I was sure it hadn't been more than two minutes.

Otis grunted and finally, his teeth left my neck. He was gasping for air, but I couldn't tell what he looked like because I was finally feeling the aftershocks of the multiple orgasms that had hit me like a raging symphony.

"Cass." Otis sounded worried.

I had to breathe and keep fighting the darkness. It took me a while, and when my senses started to clear up a bit, I felt like I was being carried off somewhere.

"O..." I couldn't even say his full name.

"At least you're alive," Otis muttered, sounding as though he was trying to relieve his worry. "Sorry, Princess. I took a little too much. I...didn't expect to feel like that."

I wondered how he'd felt when drawing my blood, but I had a feeling he wouldn't tell me until I brought it up.

He must have been taking me back to my cell, but I wished to stay with him a little longer. They were leaving after all, and I'd barely had time with him or Adonis.

"Rest up, Cass," Otis encouraged as if reading my thoughts. "I'm staying with you tonight. Adonis and I can rotate throughout so you'll stay with us both."

That was a bit of relief, and my body seemed to relax with his words.

"Sleep," he whispered into my ear, the slight lick of his tongue against the sensitive part of my neck making me quiver. "And thank you, Cassandra. Your taste is as delightful as your beautiful heart."

He kissed my flesh, and a quiet moan left me. My consciousness began to fade, but I was content with all of this.

I can't wait to get out of here and really learn about these sides of my men. The supernatural sides.

Bts Unlocked And No More Commotions

Out of all the fucking days, today had to be the day I get my period. Son of a fucking bitch!

I'd been seething all day long, even after having an awesome dinner with Alisha and Ivy. Despite the delicious food, we were quiet for the majority of the three-course meal.

We were all having a blah day since Ivy was exhausted and Alisha seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

She always seems lost in her thoughts, Copyright 2016 - 2024