Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,81

place I'd be bleeding today was in my damn vagina.

"Next." My robotic tone had them shaking, and the girl with orange hair patted the main chick in a hurry.

"To the mine tunnels!"

The two of them darted so fast, they were running out of the entrance before anyone could react. The eyes of all the prisoners and guards then returned to me, waiting to see what my next move would be.

I found this part even more amusing because the guys always did the same when I'd caught one of the culprits after pissing me off. Everyone would stop and wait to see my next move, and it was funny when they let their fear show.

Everyone was afraid of me right now, and all it did was empower me to finish what I hadn't started.

My feet moved before I registered it, and I was already entering the dark halls of the prison, leaving the silent cafeteria to go wild with whispers and gossip. There was a side of me that knew I'd get lectured or even regret chasing these dimwits, but right now, I was still on the No-Regrets-Train and even though their friend was down for the count, I wasn't going to let them off.

I was moving at super speed, everything a blur from my growing rage. I was tired, my body ached, my cramps weren't giving me a fucking break when I was defending my girl-boyfriend, I was annoyed that the guys were leaving tomorrow, and Omarion was still nowhere.

Why do I even care about Omarion?!

The thought made me huff in annoyance, and I charged even faster down the curving paths until Orange Hair was a few steps away from me.

Our eyes met, and she seemed to jump at my arrival.

"You actually want to die. You're fucking insane!" She turned around and began to run, but I wasn't in a rush. In this mode, I knew my potential, and I never missed out on grabbing my prey.


My senses were in full gear; the beating drum of my palpating heart rang through my ears, but it didn't stop me from picking up on the rushing footsteps and where they were headed.

Deeper into the tunnel I went, not afraid of the darkness. I could see perfectly, like a burning flame lit the way.

Turning to my left, I entered a circular area, a hub with five different paths leading into the darkness. I stood right in the middle, knowing damn well that none of these paths would take me where I needed to be.

My prey is hiding right here, waiting for me to fall for their stupid games.

Foolish children. Misery loves company.

How enlightening were the words from the deep voice of my consciousness? The fact that I couldn't talk to this presence on a normal basis was saddening. It would keep my mind from sinking into the pits of depression and instead keep it focused on what was amusing about Boringville.

"We got you now!" The pink-haired woman was to my left, and I slowly turned my head to see her dazzling smile. Her hair was glowing now, the vibrant pink a shocking neon that made my eyes twitch in irritation.

Whatever was drifting around her like a flame was growing stronger, reminding me of one of those Super Saiyan scenes when Goku takes centuries screaming nonsense before charging up to his full, overpowered form.

This woman was clearly doing the same, and I was actually excited to see what the hype was all about.

"Distract her!" Pink Hair demanded, and I turned my head to the right to see Orange Hair charging toward me. Her hair was sparking with electricity, and she lifted an arm, ready to punch me in the face. It glowed a brilliant gold, one that almost distracted me to stay still.

Child's play.

Until recently, I had tended to discount the fact I was the top kickboxer in the gym I attended. Seeing as I ended up kicking everyone’s asses, it didn't seem fun anymore, which was why I began training on my own or with the guys.

At least with supernaturals, the punches didn't hurt them as much.

In this case, I wasn't playing around and pulling my punches. This woman wanted me dead, and I wasn't going to deal with that.

Not today, when I'm in blindsided tantrum mode.

I stepped to the side, the movement swift and giving me the advantage as I was now behind her and my leg was already ready to make full contact with the right side of her body.

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