Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,45

my attention the most. It was dark red with black speckles, lined in silver.

"Don't like them?" He chuckled, knowing that I did, before shrugging. "No deep reason, I'm afraid. Why get the tattoos? Why do the things we do to make ourselves comfortable in our own skin? Every one of my rings came from a different city. I won't buy from the same city twice. Weird, huh?"

I snorted. "We’re all a little weird."

He shot me a broad grin and tugged me forward by my shirt. Gripping my chin, he dipped forward and nipped my bottom lip with his teeth. "I like your weird."

His eyes were intense, locked on mine like he never wanted to look away. I went in for another kiss, but a sudden rush of chaos broke our connection. I jerked back as shouts rang out. Some guys were shoving at each other and a fist was thrown, cracking into the nose of a fit guy with short brown hair.

"What the fuck?" Phoenix growled and jumped to his feet so fast it knocked his chair back. "Stay here. I'll be back."

"Do you know those guys?" I asked as worry made me gnaw on my lip.

"Unfortunately, I know one of them, but I have no idea what he's doing here. Be right back." He turned to leave but paused and dropped another kiss to my lips.

I glanced over his shoulder, not understanding what had happened. Caleb and CJ were holding back two guys from their team, talking rapidly while trying to calm them down.

On the other side, Phoenix was stomping toward the guy holding his nose and clearly intoxicated as he swayed on his feet. He watched Phoenix approach with narrowed eyes, and the way he scanned his body made me sick. The guy gave him no problems as Phoenix grabbed his arm and led him toward the lawn where they disappeared between cars.

Wide-eyed, I scanned the scene that was calming down. What just happened?

The chair next to me was flipped upright and squeaked as CJ dropped down beside me. "How does your boyfriend know Aiden?"

"I have no idea who Aiden is." What was going on? Confusion had completely clouded my thoughts, and I was worried about Phoenix. "Should we go check on them?"

"Better not. Caleb and a few of the guys not involved are headed that way anyway." CJ had a Solo cup filled with something that smelled a lot stronger than beer. "Aiden is Evan's cousin." At my blank look, he explained. "You've met Evan before. He's on the team.”

"What happened?" I finally asked aloud as I once again searched for a sign of Phoenix. "Why was there a fight?"

"Not sure what the fuck happened." He scowled and then downed the contents of his cup. "I was playing ball and saw the guy charging forward too late. Next thing I know, I was pushed into Caleb and then someone jumped in, yelling at the guy.

"I don't even think the douche meant to hit anyone, to be honest. But he pushed some of the guys and ended up starting shit. He took a fist to the face for it. Evan says he doesn't know what his problem is." His eyes darkened and he shot me a furious look, not meant for me. "Looked like he was heading over to you and Phoenix."

I swallowed hard. "Phoenix said he knows him."

CJ crushed the cup in his hand and muttered something under his breath.

Unease made my stomach clench because I was even more confused, and Phoenix had just walked off with him.



"What are you doing here?" I eyed Aiden as he paced back and forth, running his fingers through his disheveled hair. The scent of rum clung heavily to him, and his steps were clunky and uncoordinated. At best, he was already hammered.

He came to a stop in front of me. "My cousin said his friends were throwing a party, so I loaded up with some of the guys after we hit the bar to come see if it was worth it. Didn't expect to see you." His bloodshot light green eyes narrowed. "You seemed really fucking cozy for a guy who isn't looking for anything serious," he spat, words slurred, and he stumbled forward.

Ignoring the venomous glare, I stepped back. "Who's with you?"

"Why? Jealous?" His sloppy smirk quickly turned into a frown as he scanned his surroundings as if realizing he was alone for the first time.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I leveled him with a look I hoped Copyright 2016 - 2024