Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,44

to Caleb, assuming the same stance. Though the twins stood several inches taller than Phoenix, an outsider looking in might find Phoenix the bigger threat. None of the three looked menacing to me.

Sighing, I made my way over, curled against Phoenix's side and tilted my head. "They giving you a hard time?"

"Depends on what you consider a hard time." Appearing unbothered, Phoenix grinned down at me. "So far, I've answered about five questions, and I think you just interrupted the interrogation."

I pinched my nose and glanced at the twins. "You guys, leave him alone."

Caleb, stubborn when he'd been drinking, narrowed his eyes. "Just tell me what your intentions are with Arch and I'll stop. Probably."

"Maybe," CJ agreed.

Phoenix tangled his fingers with mine between us and they both looked down at him holding my hand.

"Well, this is interesting," CJ said with raised brows. "So you really like our Archer then?"

Phoenix nodded and his hand tightened around mine. "I do."

Caleb glared. "But you're still going to get naked and grind—"

"Caleb," I snapped, dragging his attention to me. "Stop."

"I just want to make sure he's the right guy for you. That so bad?" His words slurred slightly.

"That's my decision, okay?" I held his stare, and he huffed in annoyance.

The twins exchanged a look before CJ waved his fingers for us to follow him. "This killed my buzz. Let's go party."

Having heard him, a group standing near him cheered and held up their Solo cups.

As CJ led us out to the backyard, Phoenix leaned in. "Think I passed the test?"

I rolled my eyes but grinned. "They are pretty easygoing but for some reason decided to assume the big brother roles when we first met. I've never really dated so…you're unexpected. I'm not sure they know what to do."

“Their baby brother is all grown up," he teased and I bumped him with my shoulder.

We went out the back door and I wasn't at all surprised when CJ continued on to the driveway that had been expanded to fit a mini basketball court.

Three guys were already playing when Caleb ran in, stole the ball and sank a shot.

"Nothing but net," he bragged with a cocky smile flashed to the onlookers.

Folding chairs had been set up to the side, so I led Phoenix to them, and we claimed a pair. We watched the guys play and sipped on our drinks, listening to the echo of the music and beat of the basketball against the concrete.

"So, did you get any more work done on your book today?" he asked.

"No. I set it aside, because I still don't know what happens next." This afternoon I'd obsessed over the story and had even briefly considered trashing the whole thing. The thought of so much work being carried out with garbage made my stomach turn.

"You know you can always talk to me about it. Maybe we can figure it out together."

Warmth bloomed in my chest. "I know. I wasn't up to it the other night, but it might help."

"Whenever you're ready." He tilted his bottle in the air and finished off the beer.

"Want another?" I asked.

"I'm driving," he reminded me as he set the empty bottle on the ground and then took my hand in his, absently toying with my fingers, a move that made my stomach flutter. I wondered if a simple touch from him would ever stop making me feel that way.

"What about you? Any more lyrics you plan on showing me?" I carried the note he'd left for me folded in my pocket, though I hadn’t told him about the new habit. I wasn't sure if that was normal, but I couldn't seem to part with it.

His lips twitched, and his eyes lit with amusement. "I might have written a few, and I might show you. For the right price."

His gaze dropped to my lips, and I was tempted to crawl into his lap and drop a deposit as a promise for the full payment. As if following my train of thought, his eyes grew heated.

While I had no problem visualizing Phoenix on a stage, standing behind a mic and singing songs he wrote, it was clear his draw was to the words themselves. Not only because he told me, but it showed in his expression.

As we settled into silence, contentment washed over me. I found myself twisting his rings around his fingers. His gaze was glued to the motion, and his hand flexed repeatedly.

"Why do you wear so many rings?" I pointed at a ring that caught Copyright 2016 - 2024