Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,43

turned into a parking lot, and the two story house made of red brick and thick white pillars was overflowing with people as dance music poured into the night.

"Well, this is more than I was expecting," Phoenix commented as he found a spot to park behind a red truck.

"Me too, though I'm not sure why I'm surprised. Caleb probably invited the entire university."

I used the mirror to check the damage to my hair. Since I never styled it, it pretty much looked the same as always. After a quick finger comb through the messy loose curls, I climbed out, meeting Phoenix in front of the car. Grass crunched beneath our shoes as we wove between cars and people toward the front door.

"How did you meet your friends?" he asked.

"Freshman year, they were rooming together in the dorm across from mine. CJ and I connected first, and they pretty much come as a packaged deal. Caleb grew on me. They'd both been held back a grade in middle school so we also shared a few core classes." A quiet laugh shook my shoulders as I recalled how we'd grown closer. "It wasn't long until CJ invited himself to move into my single room, because the no-girls policy meant nothing to Caleb."

As I filled him in on the details, I laughed again at the memory of CJ showing up with arms weighed down from packed bags that he dumped in the middle of my room. And then there was the mattress and box spring set he'd dragged across the hall as a frameless bed. The resident advisor was well aware of the situation, but with Caleb and CJ being stars on the basketball team and him being a huge fan, he'd looked the other way.

Phoenix laughed. "Sounds like you have interesting friends. What about next year?"

"We plan to keep the same situation, officially this time.” The conversation dropped as we climbed the steps. There were so many faces, but because I'd mostly kept to myself, I recognized no one, aside from a few guys from the twins' basketball team.

The house was lit with black lights and a flashing strobe that made me dizzy, so I focused on Phoenix's back as he led the way.

We pushed through the crush of people in the packed living room. With a quick glance, I noticed all the photos had been taken down, nothing of value left out, and brown leather furniture was pushed against the wall to make room for the writhing bodies that swarmed the center of the spacious room.

Phoenix stopped when we found an unoccupied corner.

"Well, they know how to throw a party," Phoenix observed over the noise.

A big guy barreled through, with a girl tossed over his shoulder, straight toward me, and Phoenix gripped my elbow, yanking me out of the way just before I was trampled. The guy whooped and disappeared into the crowd.

Phoenix leaned in close to my ear. "Where are your friends?"

"I'll text them." I fished my phone from my pocket and found the group text. "You want a drink?"

He nodded, and I pointed toward the kitchen. I typed as we walked, Phoenix guiding me through the house.

Me: We're here. Where are you?

The reply came shortly after we crossed into the kitchen and stopped next to the granite counter loaded with beer and liquor.

Caleb: Did you bring the striper?

CJ: Stripper*

I snorted and Phoenix cocked a brow when my eyes flicked up. "My friends are…"

"Unique?" he supplied.

My brow furrowed. "They're twins so they can't be that unique."

"Smartass." He grinned and I matched it, thinking about how my uncle never knew when I was joking. Phoenix understood me.

I refocused on my phone.

Me: Yes, Phoenix is with me and we are grabbing drinks.

CJ: On our way.

Phoenix turned the bottles, reading the labels. "What's your poison? Vodka? Tequila?"

My nose scrunched as the phantom taste of vodka hit my tongue. "Just a beer, please."

He dug two beer bottles out of the cooler and handed me one. The glass was cold, and melted ice dripped down my fingers making me grimace.

"Arch!" CJ ran for me, lifting me a foot off the ground in a bear hug and spun me around.

I tapped his shoulder. "How drunk are you?"

He set me down with a grin. "Not near as drunk as my idiot other half."

"Where's—" I groaned as I glanced around CJ and found Caleb with his arms crossed standing in front of Phoenix. "Here we go."

CJ laughed but quickly turned on his heels and claimed the space next Copyright 2016 - 2024