Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,46

would end this shit once and for all. "Aiden, I'm not jealous. I'm wondering who to go find to take you home. You're wasted and started a fight at my boyfriend's friends' house. You need to go home. Or anywhere that's not here."

"I didn't start a fight. I was pissed when I saw you with that guy. Someone fucking punched me." He waved his hand back toward the house and then flinched. "Wait, did you just say your fucking boyfriend?"

I paused as I ran back over what I'd said and realized I had referred to Archer as my boyfriend. Something we hadn't even discussed, but it felt right. But Aiden had missed the point, and I wanted him to leave, not make things worse.

Keeping my tone steady, I attempted to keep my frustration at bay. "I can't help that you're pissed, Aiden. But I have told you repeatedly that this"—I pointed to him and then myself—"isn't going to happen. From the beginning, we both discussed and agreed nothing serious would come from it. You need to let it go. It's not worth it."

"And that guy is worth it? He's different?" His expression twisted with disdain. "Does he have a giant dick or something?"

Nausea curled my stomach just hearing him talk about Archer that way. I lowered my voice and spoke through clenched teeth. "He's none of your business."

"For fuck’s sake. He looks like a preppy reject barely out of high school." Aiden scoffed and broke out in a disbelieving laugh as he ran his hands through his hair again. "Why him?"

My spine stiffened as I suffocated the urge to reopen the bleeding wound already crusting over his lip. "That's enough. Leave him out of this."

I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted Archer.

Me: Can you send Caleb or CJ out toward the road. You stay put.

The last thing I needed was Archer getting verbally attacked by what was clearly my worst mistake.

My phone buzzed immediately.

Arch: Caleb's already on his way. Are you okay?

Me: Yeah. I'll be back in just a min.

I pocketed the phone and found Aiden scowling. "Was that him?"

"None of your business."

Right on time, Caleb came from behind an old truck. A guy who bore a striking resemblance to Aiden walked with him.

"You good?" Caleb asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good, but he needs to go."

The guy next to Caleb glared at Aiden. "What the fuck, A? The hell was that?"

"Aiden is Evan's cousin," Caleb supplied, jerking his chin toward the guy at his side. He darted his gaze from me to Aiden and then back. "How do you two know each other?"

"We work together," Aiden offered and my hands fisted at my sides. His smirk came back. "Among other things."

"A, shut the fuck up," Evan snapped. "Where are your friends?"

Aiden shrugged, and when I glanced at Caleb, his eyes were narrowed to slits aimed at me. "You are going to have to tell Arch, and I swear, if I see one tear—"

"I didn't invite him, Caleb." I narrowed mine back because the last thing I'd ever do is hurt Archer on purpose, for fuck’s sake. "I had no clue he was going to be here, or trust me, I wouldn't have come."

"Arch?" Aiden's pissed off voice cut through the tension and both of us swung our glares at him. "Is that the guy you're fucking?"

Evan got in Aiden's face. "That was a jealous fit? Are you fucking kidding—?"

"Can we just get this guy out of here?" Caleb spoke over him and then gave me a subtle shove toward the party. "Archer's going to be freaking out. We have this handled. You go handle your shit and he better—"

"I know, all right?" Like I didn't feel bad enough. After staring me down for a moment, he finally gave a nod.

Evan had his phone out, and I had to assume they had it covered. The most important thing was Archer. I had no idea what was going on in his head. I was going to be honest about the situation, and I'd never set out to upset him. Aiden was like a bad cold you couldn't get rid of no matter how much medicine you took. It was exhausting.

I dragged my hand over my face as I strode back to where I'd left Archer. As soon as he spotted me, he jumped up from the chair. "Hey, everything okay?"

I pulled him to my chest and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, holding him there. "Everything's fine."

"Who is Aiden?" Copyright 2016 - 2024