Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,91

tongue claims me, his stubble leaves marks on my skin. I love every second of it, but I want more. I need more.

I push against him, suck on his tongue, moan into his mouth. I know he can’t resist losing control when I lose control, too.

With a low growl, Alec pulls back, grabbing my ass with both hands. I scream his name when he starts fucking me like I need to be fucked. No more goddamn teasing. Just pure, unfiltered lust.

It doesn’t take long. At that angle he’s hitting my prostate with every move, the pleasure building so fast that I can barely stand it. When his rhythm falters and his groans get louder, I know he’s close; when he whispers my name like a prayer, and his hands find mine against the wall, I know he needs me to come.

I let go. And then I’m coming, my head spinning in the most exquisite way. Alec holds me, arm across my chest, lips against my ear, whispering how much he loves me, how hot I am, how he’s never letting me go.

We’re eating in the kitchen when my phone rings. I startle, still not used to having my phone back. When Alec handed it to me earlier, it felt weird in my hand, like something I’ve once loved and needed, but have no use for now.

“Zach.” My father’s voice comes from the other end when I pick up. “How are you feeling?”

“Good, I guess.”

Alec smirks at me, snagging a piece of toast from my plate.

“I need to talk to you and Alec. When can you come by the office?”

“We were just about to head out to visit Evie. I guess I can swing by after?”

“Don’t take too long. It’s important.”

He hangs up before I can say anything else. I sigh, dropping my phone on the counter.

“Do you think he knows?” Alec asks, trying to pretend nonchalance, but I know him too well not to notice the strained pinch of his lips and the worry in his eyes.

“There isn’t much my father doesn’t know, Alec.” He nods, taking another bite from the toast, his fingers folding into a fist on the counter. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Dad has never meddled in my personal life. I don’t think he’ll start now.”

He hums, but doesn’t otherwise react. I wish I could reach up and erase the hard lines around his mouth, but I know the only way to ease his concern is to come clean about it in front of my father.

Alec pops the last piece of toast in his mouth, gulps down his coffee, and looks at me expectantly. I roll my eyes, reaching for my mug. I’m not leaving the house without having finished my coffee.

In the car, Alec’s phone lights up with a text. I glance at it and nearly jump out of the seat.

Felix: Evie is awake. Asking for Zach. Are you on your way?

“Tell him we’ll be there in ten,” Alec says, a smile on his lips.

My fingers shake when I type the reply.

The hospital parking lot is nearly full. My leg bounces as Alec circles the lot a few times before we spot an empty space. The moment he turns off the engine, I shoot out of the car. I know he’ll catch up to me before I even reach the doors.

Security on Evie’s floor is just as tight as last night, but there are some new faces I don’t recognize. Alec greets everyone by name while I try to squash down the urgency bubbling inside me.

When we finally walk into Evie’s room, she’s sitting in the bed, propped on several pillows. Her features are drawn with fatigue, but she smiles widely when she sees me.

“Zach!” Her pale face lights up when I cross the room and wrap her in my arms. Her body feels frailer than a baby bird’s, and I’m cautious not to squeeze her too much. “I’m so happy to see you!” she says when I pull back. Her bright blue eyes darken when she takes in my scrapes and bruises. “What happened?”

I wave a hand. “It’s nothing.” She raises an eyebrow at me. “Honestly, everything’s fine. I don’t want you to worry. I’ll tell you everything when you come back home.” My eyes move instinctively to Alec, and I feel my cheeks flush.

Of course, Evie doesn’t miss any of that. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“Zach,” my mother says behind me.

I turn to face her, and she hugs me, squeezing me Copyright 2016 - 2024