Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,90

sigh with exasperation. “No, you’re not. Get in here.” I pull the blankets back and scoot to the side.

“Zach…” He runs a hand through his wet hair, eyeing the spot I vacated for him. “I can’t. We’re in your parents’ home. I haven’t talked to your father about…” He waves a hand between us, adorably awkward. “Us.” He raises an eyebrow meaningfully. “Now that we’re back, he needs to assign another security detail to you.”

“Honestly? I don’t give a shit about any of that.” He opens his mouth to protest but changes his mind.

Telling him that I love him feels like a lifetime ago, not less than twenty-four hours. And I know he said it back, but right now, with him hovering next to the door as if looking for an escape route, I’m not sure if he isn’t regretting it.

My heart feels heavy in my chest as I watch him standing there, his work ethic and his feelings for me warring inside him.

The first step he takes is tentative, but the ones that follow are as confident as Alec always is. And as he lies next to me, there’s no hesitation when he takes me in his arms and pulls the blankets over us.

I have no idea how long I slept for. Could have been an hour or a day. When I open my eyes, I’m as exhausted and sore as when I fell asleep.

The curtains are closed, but I can see a sliver of bright light coming from the crack between them. I try to move and regret it instantly. My whole body hurts. Not the throbbing, piercing pain of a fresh wound. More like a veil of discomfort that covers me head to toe.

“Hey.” Alec’s soft voice is like a balm to my soul. I feel him move on the other side of the bed as if he’s purposefully given me space. “How are you feeling?”

My voice is strained when I speak. “Like shit.”

Alec moves closer, putting a hand to my forehead, then to my cheek. “Do you want a painkiller?”

I shake my head, happy to discover it doesn’t hurt as much as yesterday. “I’ll be fine.”

Turning on my side, I look at Alec, who’s also lying on his side facing me, eyes dark with concern. I lick my lips and give him the best smile I can manage. “What time is it?”

“Around four.”

“In the afternoon?”


“How long have you been awake?”

He lifts a shoulder. “A few hours.”

I groan. “You should have left me here and got up.”

Moving closer, he places a gentle hand on my cheek, his thumb caressing my cheekbone. “Wherever you go, I go. Remember?” His eyes twinkle, his smile lazy and teasing.

“Does that mean you’ll come with me in the shower?”

“I’d love to come with you in the shower.” His grin is so goofy that I couldn’t have stopped the giggle that burst out of me if I tried.

He does, in fact, come with me in the shower. But before that, he teases me until I’m ready to scream. Back against the wall, water cascading on top of me, Alec on his knees in front of me, sucking my cock until I’m ready to explode, but pulling back before I can. Slick fingers probing at my hole until I’m begging him to fuck me; strong hands manhandling me until he has me exactly how he wants me—palms on the wall, back arched, ass against his dick. He keeps teasing me, thrusting all the way in, then slowly pulling all the way out, his head rubbing at the tight ring of muscle.

I try to reach for my cock, try to ease the pressure building inside me any way I can. But he won’t let me. Grabbing my hand, Alec lifts it against the wall again, his body plastered to mine, pushing me against the wall, his cock teasing me to insanity.

He tsks in my ear. “I love it when you come hands free,” he says, slamming his hips against me, making me see stars with every thrust. “It’s so fucking hot.”

His fingers curl and entwine with mine against the wall, his body shaking with the need to keep control.

“Can you do that for me, baby?” He rolls his hips, brushing my prostate in the most delicious way.

“If you fucking fuck me properly, I could,” I say, then groan when he snaps his hips. “Quit fucking around and fuck me, Alec.”

He reaches around me, cupping my jaw in his hand, bringing my mouth to his. His Copyright 2016 - 2024