Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,89

with the force of his will. “Everything we had on Calloway. It’s gone.” It isn’t a question; not really. It was a statement he’s trying to come to terms with.

“Not exactly.” Adri's voice makes us all turn toward him. “I made a copy before I came in here today.” He leans against the desk, his eyes following Sharon as she’s escorted out of the room, hands tied behind her back. He waves at her, and the glare she gives him makes my stomach churn.

He doesn’t seem that concerned.

“What?” my father says, walking over to Adri to stand right in front of him. “I told you the only copy of the files should be on that USB!”

“Aren’t you glad I didn’t listen?”

My father’s nostrils flare, his cheeks going pink. “What were you planning to do with it?”

“Nothing.” Adri lifts a shoulder in a shrug. “But I like to always have a backup plan, just in case.”

My father studies him with unblinking eyes, a look that’s clearly meant to intimidate. Adri doesn’t falter, his body language relaxed when he pushes off the desk and walks around my father.

“If we’re going to work together in the future, I need to be able to trust you, Adrian. Implicitly,” my father says, his eyes following Adri's every move.

“You can trust me. I’ll never betray you; I think I’ve proven that by now. But I’ll always look out for myself. Because nobody else will.” His voice is light, and yet, his last words punch me in the gut.

“Adri…” I begin. He turns his hazel eyes to me, the warning in them clear as day. He doesn’t want to talk about this, not now. Maybe not ever. “Those were some badass moves,” I say, my lips quirking. “Where did you learn how to do that?”

His cheekbones pink, and he tries to cover his embarrassment with a cocky shrug. “You can’t be in my line of work, and not know how to protect yourself.” His gaze slides to my father, who huffs but doesn’t comment.

“You gotta show me some time,” I say.

Alec’s hand tightens on my arm, and I’m pretty sure I hear a low growl.

“Any time.” Adri winks at me, then gives Alec his most charming smile.

The growl intensifies in Alec’s chest.

Chapter thirty-three

The cops take our statements, but don’t take us to the station this time. My father makes some calls, and soon, the office is swarmed with lawyers. The chief of police personally calls my father to make sure he and everyone involved is all right.

I’m too tired and too wired to care. When the adrenaline wears off, I’m dizzy with exhaustion. All I want is to fall in bed and sleep for a week.

Alec never leaves my side. He’s always there, always an arm length away, and I know with absolutely certainty that if I’m to fall, he’ll catch me. Always.

“Please take me home,” I say, leaning against him. The office is buzzing with activity, and it’s making my head hurt.

Alec’s concerned gaze roams over me. “How’s your head? Nauseous?”

“I’m not nauseous, but I’m so fucking exhausted that I’m ready to curl in a ball in the corner and sleep. So, please take me home.” I sound terser than I intended, but at this point exhaustion is getting the better of me.

Alec deposits me in a comfy armchair and goes to make sure we’re free to go. I doze off, and I’m even more disorientated when he comes back and wakes me up.

“Come on, let’s get you in bed.” He snakes an arm around my waist, and I’m ridiculously grateful that we’re finally getting out of here.

When we finally make it back to the penthouse, dawn’s already peeking behind the horizon. Alec helps me undress and then take a much-needed shower. I’m barely standing upright, but I can never fail to appreciate the sight of Alec’s naked body.

“I like your pecs,” I say, running my palms over the hard muscles.

He chuckles. “Thanks?”

I give him a loopy smile, then lean against him. He wraps me in his strong arms, the water falling on my back, making all my muscles relax.

I don’t know how long we stay like this. It’s Alec who moves first and coaxes me out of the shower. He helps me dry off and then watches me as I snuggle under the blanket.

“Night, Zach,” he says, heading to the door.

I sit upright, too fast for my rattled brain to handle. “Where are you going?” I ask, my hand flying to my temple.

“To my room.”

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