Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,92

as tight as she can. I have to bend down to hug her back, and it makes my sore body protest, but I don’t care. My mother rarely shows emotion so I’m taking everything I can.

“Glad you’re feeling better,” she says when she releases me. “You look better, too.” Glancing at Evie, she gives me a meaningful look. I nod ever so slightly, letting her know that I understand—Evie doesn’t know about last night, and we have to keep it that way.

Her tired eyes study my face, then slide to Alec. He looks away.

“So,” I say, clearing my throat. “When are you being discharged?”

Evie looks at Felix hopefully. I follow her gaze, and then everyone’s eyes are on Felix. He shifts uncomfortably.

“I spoke to the doctor, but she wouldn’t budge,” he says to Evie. She makes a face. “You’re not getting discharged before they’re sure the infection is completely gone, and there are no other complications.”

“What does that mean?” She pouts, her eyes shining. “I’m sick and tired of hospitals!”

I reach for her hand, twining our fingers together.

“At least a couple more days,” Felix says, voice apologetic.

“It’s for the best, honey,” Mom says, coming closer.

Evie huffs but doesn’t argue.

We stay a bit longer, Alec and Felix whispering in the corner while Evie and I chat. Mom curls on the cot on the other side of the room, and soon she’s sleeping. I stand and drape a blanket over her.

“Dad wants to see us,” I say when I sit by Evie’s bed again. “I think he knows about us.”

Evie snorts. “Everyone with eyes knows about you two.” I gape at her. She laughs. “You do realize you’re not subtle? At all?”

I glance at Alec, feeling my face growing hot. As if sensing my gaze, he turns to look at me, a private little smile on his lips.

“You’re only proving my point.”

I chuckle. “Fine. Whatever.”

Evie slumps back into the pillows. She looks tired and pale, but her eyes are bright and eager to know more.

“I’m…” scared. “Worried,” I say instead. Evie squeezes my fingers, encouraging me to continue. “About what’s gonna happen next.”

I don’t need to elaborate. She gets it.

“I know, Zach. Me, too. But we’ll keep going, no matter what.”

Chapter thirty-four

My father’s office looks as tidy and clean as it always does. There’s even a new assistant out front, immaculately dressed and put together. If I haven’t been here myself, I never would have guessed an armed stand-off happened less than twenty-four hours ago.

When we walk in, he’s typing on his laptop, fingers flying on the keyboard. Waving us in and gesturing for us to sit down, he continues typing for a few more moments before slamming the laptop shut and throwing his glasses on top of it.

“Zach. Alec.” He nods at us, then rubs his eyes and groans.

“Dad, did you get any sleep at all?”

He huffs. “A couple of hours.” He props his elbow on the desk. “How’s your sister?”

“She seems all right. Should be back home soon.”

“Good.” He leans back in his chair, his gaze traveling between me and Alec. “Now. I have some news.”

I frown; it isn’t what I expected him to say. “What is it?”

“Calloway has decided to step down from the gubernatorial election.”

“You already met with him?”

The corner of his mouth lifts in a sardonic smile. “I didn’t have to. Bad news travels fast. He knows what I have on him and that it could not only ruin his reputation but possibly trigger an investigation. So, he’s decided to keep some semblance of control and preemptively pull out instead of meeting with me.”

Alec shifts in his chair. “But everything you have on him was obtained illegally. It’ll never stand in court.”

“True. But he doesn’t want the feds poking around.” My father lifts an eyebrow, giving Alec a meaningful look. “Who knows what they will find?” He shrugs a shoulder, but his nonchalance doesn’t fool me. He probably knows exactly what the feds will find if they seize Calloway’s assets.

“Does that mean you won’t actually publish any of it? Expose him for his crimes?” Alec asks in disbelief.

Dad studies him for a long moment before he replies. “I’m playing a long game here, Alec. I need to have leverage against Calloway, or I can’t guarantee my family’s safety.”

Alec exhales a long breath, his dark gaze landing on me. Disbelief still lurks behind his eyes as they search mine for something. I don’t know what he needs from me, so I just smile at him and hold his Copyright 2016 - 2024