Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,87

her at all times.

“I know what you’re thinking—”

“No, you don’t know what I’m fucking thinking!” I yell. “You have no fucking clue what you did to me.”

“I know what I did,” she says. “I know full well, which is why I see now that this is the consequence.” She holds up her cuffed hands.

“Oh, I fucking remember all right. I fucked you, that night after the prom. After you flaunted that fucking asshat you called a ‘boyfriend’ in my face. After they tried to assault you, and I saved your fucking ass. And what did you do in return?”

She swallows, probably too ashamed to admit it.

“You fucking betrayed me!”



Age 18

I lean against my locker, looking at the picture I took with Vanessa at our spot back when we were still young. It’s the only thing of value that I carry with me at all times. Especially now, after what happened at prom, do I cherish it. For the first time, we went further than we ever had. She was my first and I was her first, and it was perfect. My heart still explodes just thinking about how she tasted, how she felt in my arms, how good I fit into her.

It was more than I ever thought I’d get to experience with her, which is why I feel genuinely happy right now.

I brought her home afterward, although we couldn’t take our hands off each other. She had a distinct glow on her face that still makes me smirk when I think about it.

As I tuck the picture back into my pocket, I see her enter the building. My breathing stops in anticipation, but so does my heart … when I spot Phillip walking next to her.

Hand in hand.

Everything around me seems to disappear as she walks past me, her eyes briefly making contact with mine. They show remorse … guilt. My blood begins to boil and my lips twitch, and I have the incredible urge to smack him to the ground and punch him even harder than the guy I beat up at prom.

How the fuck dare he walk with her after allowing that asshole to make a move on her? And why is she with him?

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. After what we’ve been through, even having sex in my car, she still runs back to him? Fucking hell.

I slam the locker so hard that it creates a dent in the metal. I don’t get the time to go after them, though. The principal blocks my view.

“Miles? Time for a talk.”

Of course, it was only a matter of time before people at school found out I beat the shit out of that kid. I don’t feel sorry for doing it, not even one bit. He shouldn’t have put his hands on Vanessa.

At least, that’s what I felt before I saw her walk down the hallway with Phillip by her side.

Fuck. I should’ve known she’d go back to him. When have I ever been good enough for her? Fuck! She really did a number on me, by making me believe that it was more than just sex.

“Come with me,” the principal says, guiding me into her office.

I sit down in a chair opposite to her desk and twist my lip ring, something I always do when I’m anxious and restless.

“So … Miles … do you know what this is about?”

“I don’t know; you tell me,” I say, folding my arms.

She narrows her eyes. “Now is not the time for sarcastic comments, Miles. You know as well as I do that what you did is against the rules; not to mention, it is also punishable by law. Hitting another student is strictly forbidden.”

“As if I don’t know that,” I say, cocking my head.

“Well, why did you do it then?” she asks.

“Because he was hitting on Vanessa, and in case you didn’t notice, she has a boyfriend now.” I snort. “That’s a new one for me, too.”

“Are you saying you were trying to defend her?”

Someone suddenly knocks on the door and peeks inside.

It’s Vanessa.

“Sorry, you told me to stop by your office?” she says.

“Yes, sit down,” the principal says, inviting her to come sit next to me.

I scoot to the other side of my chair and lean as far away from her as I can as she sits down. When she briefly glances my way and smiles lightly, I can feel the anger zap through me like lightning. All I want is to shout in her face what in the Copyright 2016 - 2024