Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,88

hell is she thinking and if she’s intentionally trying to destroy me.

I don’t know why I let it get to me the way I do, but I can’t stop it either.

She’s just that important to me.

Which is why I’m starting to hate her with every fiber of my being the longer I sit here and stare at that hand that was touching Phillip’s only moments ago.

“Vanessa, Miles here says he was protecting you from another student who he beat up. Is that true?”

Vanessa exchanges a look with both the principal and me before clearing her throat and saying, “No.”

“What?” I yell, my jaw dropping. “I was protecting her!” I look at her. “Why are you lying?”

She doesn’t even look at me.

“Calm down, Miles. Vanessa, if that’s true, did you see what happened?”

“Well, I was taking a breather outside with Phillip when Miles and that other dude just straight out started to attack each other.”

“What the fuck?” I stammer. “Oh, c’mon. That is not true.” I shake my head. “It didn’t happen that way; she’s pulling this story out of nowhere.”

“Stop interrupting, Miles. Seeing as there are no other witnesses except Phillip and Vanessa, I have to take either of your word for it.”

“Don’t take hers; she’s lying her ass off.”


“Phillip will agree with what I’m saying,” Vanessa says, not even daring to look at me. “Miles hit the guy first.”

“What? What kind of bullshit is this?” I shoot up from my chair and rage at her. “Vanessa! Why are you doing this? Stop fucking lying!”

“Miles! Sit. Down. Now,” the principal commands. Frowning, she licks her lips as she watches me sit back down. My feet can’t stop tapping on the floor, though.

“Since you’re not keen on making a convincing case out of the incident, I’m inclined to believe Vanessa’s story instead.”

“What? Why? They’re all lies! How can you believe her? It’s not the truth! I protected her because he tried to assault her. We even drove off in my car together.”

She looks at Vanessa, who still doesn’t grant me even one look. Instead, she just shakes her head.

“Coward. You fucking coward!” I yell, getting up and smacking my bag on the floor.

“Miles. Behave or I will expel you right this instant.”

“No fucking need! I fucking quit!” I growl, kicking my bag toward the principal. “You can take that shit, as I can’t fucking use it anyway.”

“Miles! Language!” she says.

I will away the impending tears. “I don’t fucking give a shit anymore. See that girl sitting in that chair? She is a fucking liar. I protected her, as I always have. You know why? Because I love her. I fucking love her, goddammit. I have ever since I met her. And you know what? I still do, which is why it fucking hurts here.” I punch my own chest. “She’s not as innocent as she looks.” I point at her and laugh when I see her miserable face look up at me. Her eyes beg me to quit. “How do I know?” I say, shaking my head. “Because that bitch had sex with me in my car, and now she’s running around with Mister trade-her-in-like-a-whore.”

Vanessa’s eyes begin to water, her resolve breaking while mine is only growing.

“Miles! Enough!” the principal yells. She picks up the phone and dials some number. “I need assistance in my office right now.”

A few seconds later, a bulky man steps in. “Yeah?”

“Escort Miles out of the building, please,” the principal sneers. “I don’t want him anywhere near this facility ever again.”

The big guy steps toward me and attempts to grapple me. Fucking hell. I put up a fight, pushing and shoving, but I’m no match for his strength. At least, not yet. Not until I build some muscle, which is exactly what I’m planning to do now that I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that my brain or my heart won’t be any help to me.

They’ll have to fucking drag me from this building before they’re rid of me. Even as the man hauls me through the hallway, I’m relentless in my pursuit of justice.

“Vanessa! You fucking liar!” I scream. “I fucking protected you and now you betray me! Was my fucking love not good enough for you, huh? Fucking bitch!” I kick over a bin while I’m being dragged through the hall. I don’t give a shit that I’m making a scene; I want everyone to know what a piece of shit she really is. Now that she’s exposed her true colors, I Copyright 2016 - 2024