Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,63

and it requires a set of free hands.” I wave my hands in the air, smiling when she realizes what I’m going to do.

“Stay away from me,” she says.

Frowning, I ask, “Oh, Princess, do you really want to make a fuss about this?”

I step closer, and she yells, “Don’t touch me!”

“Or you’ll do what?” I muffle a laugh. “If you didn’t notice, you’re chained. I think I can pretty much do anything I want with you.”

The scared look on her face makes me feel all giddy inside. Her hair is completely messed up, her blond curls draping down her shoulders, no longer hiding the original brown hair at the roots. Shame she had to cover up who she really is.

“If you stay good, I might be a little nicer to you,” I muse, as I curl my fingers underneath my shirt and take it off.

The moment it drops to the floor, her eyes are practically glued to my skin. She’s eyeing my muscles, swallowing as her gaze glides over my abs, my pecs, and up to my face.

“I’m here, Princess,” I say, pointing at my face. “A bit distracted now, are we?”

“No,” she says, barely able to pronounce words without trembling.

I laugh. “Stop lying. It’s not working for either of us. I can see those hungry eyes looking.”

“Just because my eyes are looking doesn’t mean I actually like it,” she says.

I narrow my eyes. “I don’t believe that.”

She purses her lips, her eyes boring into mine, but she doesn’t reply. I guess she’s still trying to resist her needs. Too bad for her, I want her to fall for me again … only so I can destroy her when she does. Her resolve is chipping away bit by bit, and I’ll be there when it crumbles down.

Hooking my fingers underneath the elastic band, I pull down my boxer shorts in one go. My semi-hard dick has her eyes almost bulging out of her head, making me wonder whether she’s afraid I might shove my cock into her pussy … Or not at all.

I smirk when she covers up her hardened nipples with one hand, attempting to hide her excitement over seeing my pierced cock.

“Don’t be so ashamed, Princess. It’s all natural,” I muse.

“I’m not,” she says, sinking to her knees.

“Whatever. Get up,” I say, as I step into the tub.

I move closer and place my hand on her waist. She flinches, trying to back away, but the metal around her wrist won’t let her.

“Don’t move, Princess. You don’t want to hurt yourself.”

“S-stay away,” she says.

“Hmm … are you so sure about that?” I say, turning up the temperature just a notch. Her eyes open up completely, and she gasps. “Or not?” I turn it back down.

“No, turn it back up!” she says, jerking on the cuffs.

“Stop,” I say, smacking her tit. “I told you not to fucking move.”

“I’m sorry,” she says.

I smack her other tit, making her squeal. “And don’t you fucking tell me what to do.”

“I’m sorry!” she repeats, this time even louder.

“Now, what do you want, hmm? Do you want me to turn this up? Ask nicely.”

“Can you make the water warmer, please?” she asks, her voice soft and pleading.

I love the sound of it … it reminds me of a long time ago, when she still wanted me and wasn’t such a conniving bitch.

“What are you going to do for me?” I ask, pulling her closer. Her cold tits rub my chest, creating goosebumps all over. I fucking love it. “Are you going to be a good girl?”


“Do you still think I’m nice?”

She swallows and thinks about her answer for a second. “Only when you want to be.”

“Exactly. And you don’t get to decide anything. You don’t get to manipulate me. I won’t allow it, so don’t try it ever again.” I grip her ass so tight that she squirms and my fingers mark her skin red.

Her face glows as I lean in to take a whiff of her scent. Her face is much cleaner than before, and all the make-up has rinsed off. She looks pure … less tainted than hours before. Every passing second her shifting behavior affects me. Changes me. It forces me to look at her in more ways than just the one consumed by hatred.

With the water cascading down her beautiful body, puckered nipples, and pink lips, I get the sudden urge to take what belongs to me.

So, I do. I kiss her, pressing my lips softly onto hers, marking her as Copyright 2016 - 2024