Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,64

mine. She doesn’t fight, doesn’t even flinch as I kiss her gently, my tongue dipping out to lick her sweet, icy-cold lips. I let my tongue roam free across her mouth and push inside, forcing her to open up and let me in. She doesn’t resist; instead, her tongue finds mine, and her lips cling to me. The cold doesn’t suppress the warmth flowing to my cock, which grows thicker every second. All I can think of is kissing her, fucking her every fucking second of the day …, and then ruining her for life.

I step into the shower with her, increasing the temperature further until it’s warm enough to heat up her body. She’s still shivering, as I press her firmly into my warm body. She makes herself small to fit between my arms, as if I’m a radiator she’s cuddling up to. How cute. I just want to fuck her with my tongue.

Her taste is exhilarating, and I can’t fucking get enough of tasting her, her mouth latching onto mine with equal wantonness. Her body is quickly regaining its normal temperature, and her natural flush reappears on her face, although I’m not exactly sure if that’s because of the shower or because I’m grabbing her ass and pushing her body against mine.

The urge to turn her around and bend her over gets bigger and bigger as she pants into my mouth, desperate for air … desperate for more kisses. I let my hands roam free over her body, cupping her tit and giving it a nice squeeze. My mouth silences her first moan, as I taste her willingness to finally submit. And, oh … how I will make her submit.



His fingers brush along my body, reviving my senses. He prickles my skin with his rough hands, kissing me roughly, taking me whole. His need captures me; his desire for my body to the point that I just let it happen. I don’t resist … and maybe I don’t want to. Maybe, for a moment, I just want to feel and remember what it was like for him to love me.

Or at least for him to fuck me raw.

It’s the next best thing.

It doesn’t take long for his fingers to find their way to my pussy, sliding back and forth between my legs to make me open up.

“Spread your legs, Princess,” he murmurs into my mouth, leaving sweet, delicious kisses on my lips. “Let me warm you up.”

My body still quakes, partially with need and partially from fear, as I part my legs and let him touch me. His skilled fingers have me panting already as he strokes my pussy. His cock grows hard against my belly, pushing into me as he wraps one arm around my back, holding me close.

“You feel that, Princess? That’s called being someone’s pet.”

I frown, biting my lip. “I’m not a pet.”

“You are mine now, and I’ll call you whatever the hell I want,” he muses, licking his lip ring. “My little pet. And this fucking pussy is mine, too.” He caresses my slit, making it wetter by the second. “You know how I know? This.” He holds his finger next to my mouth. “Open up, Princess. Taste yourself.”

I do as he says; not because I want to, but because I know I have no other choice.

His finger probes my mouth and slides across my tongue, forcing me to taste my own wetness. My eyes drift down his body, too consumed by lust to avert somewhere else. I look at the winged skull tattoo on his chest, the scars surrounding it, and the piercing in his nipple that I didn’t notice before. I don’t know why I like looking at him, but I do. I know I’m hot for him; he doesn’t have to tell me. I can’t help my own fucking body. This is just what he does to me.

I’ve been so numb these past few years—first with Phillip, then with Arthur—that I’ve forgotten what feeling something is like. And holy shit, feeling his hands all over my body and his mouth on mine is addictive.

His lips move to my neck as his fingers dexterously circle my clit, barely avoiding it. I’m shaking with need, hot blood pulsing through my veins, bursting with life. My need for him grows stronger every second, and my barrier is breaking down as he forces me to endure his touch.

“Don’t fight it, Princess,” he whispers close to my ear. “Or I’ll make your body turn frigid again.”

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