Southern Comfort - Natasha Madison Page 0,66

my finger in my mouth. “Now play with your clit,” he says and I move my hand down between us and I move my finger around it and he hisses out. “You got tighter,” he says between clenched teeth. “Do it again,” he says, and I play with my clit again, and again, my pussy is ready to let go. He leans in and licks my nipple and then he bites down the second he slams into me and I see stars. I come so hard I can’t see anything except him.

I don’t see anything except him, and when he throws his head back and plants himself as deep in as he can go, my name leaves his lips. “Olivia,” he says and falls forward, his face buried in my neck. My limbs are now limp, but my legs stay locked around his waist, and my hand now hugging him. Our chest glues together as he rolls us to the side, never letting me go or coming out of me. “Olivia.” He whispers my name again, and I wait for it. Wait for him to say something, wait to hear anything that he has to say. He doesn’t say anything, he just lies there in my arms, and my hand curls up to play with his hair.

“I love you,” I say softly to myself when I hear him snore softly beside me.

Chapter Twenty-Six


“I love you.” I can swear I hear it right before I close my eyes, but when I open them again, her eyes are closed, and her chest rises and falls.

I’ve just made love to her. There was no mistaking what we just did. The whole time I called her name, I told her I loved her silently to myself. The whole time in my arms, I cherished every single second we had, and I wasn’t moving from this spot until she got up. I watch her as she lays her head on the pillow with my cock still buried in her. Only when she gets heavier in my arms do I let her go and slip out of her. I get off the bed as lightly as I can and walk to the bathroom to take off the condom and wash myself off. I toss the towel on the floor and put my hands on the counter and lean forward, letting my head hang. “How could you do it?” I look at myself in the mirror. “You went and fell in love with her.” I don’t even know when it happened. I don’t even know how it happened, but just like that, I fell in love with her. Not just any love, the love that everyone tells you about. The all-consuming, you’re never going to love another one like this kind of love.

I hang my head and walk out and see her on her side in the middle of the bed. My chest is closing in the closer I walk to the bed. Grabbing the blanket, I slide into bed with her, taking her in my arms.

“Casey,” she mumbles. I just kiss her neck, and she slowly falls back asleep. I listen to her snore softly and bury herself deeper in my arms. I close my eyes for just a minute, but I fall asleep with her.

I feel her leave the bed, and I open one eye and watch her walk to the bathroom. I hear the water turn on and roll over to pick up the phone and order her favorite foods. When she comes back out of the bathroom, her hair is piled on her head, and she’s wearing one of those plush white robes tied loosely.

“Did I wake you?” she asks. I see that she has washed off her makeup as she climbs back onto the bed. “I was quiet.” She smiles at me and leans down and kisses me, and the kiss lingers after she slowly peels herself away. “Are you hungry?” she says, kissing my neck before sitting on the bed beside me.

“I just ordered a bunch of stuff,” I say and see her eyes light up. “You didn’t think I’d make you starve, did you?” I ask, and she rolls her eyes. “Besides, I plan on going a couple more rounds with you, so I need you to keep your strength up.” She throws her head back, and the bathrobe falls open, and I lean over and take her nipple in my mouth. “Don’t you dare start something you can’t finish, Copyright 2016 - 2024