Southern Comfort - Natasha Madison Page 0,65

as a feather, he stands up and now I wrap my legs around him.

“Playtime is over,” he says, and I want to ask him what he means but instead I just sink into the kiss that he gives me. When we walk into the bedroom, he places me on the bed and then gets on his knees, taking off first one shoe and then the other. I reach out then and grab his hand, untying one cuff link and then the other. I slip his black jacket off his shoulders. My fingers loosen the silk tie around his neck and let it fall next to his jacket. The need to touch his chest is making my heart speed up. One button and then another and when I finally finish the last one, I lean in and kiss him right in the middle of his chest. I can feel his heart hammering in his chest, and with my two hands, I slip his shirt off. “My turn,” he says, and I smile at him.

Leaning in, he slowly unzips the dress and pulls it over my head, and it lands in the pile of clothes. My bra follows along with his pants, boxers, shoes, and socks and the two of us are just letting our hands roam over each other’s body. He leans down and grabs his pants and takes out his wallet and then the condoms that fall out of them on the floor in front of my feet. I laugh when the condom opens and I see it’s six condoms. “Someone was thinking he was getting lucky.”

He pushes the hair away from my face and cups my cheek. “Someone was hoping,” he says and kisses me and leans me back on the bed coming down with me.

He kisses me until he leaves me breathless, and he cups my breast. I throw my leg over his hip, and my pussy comes into contact with his cock. It would take nothing for him to slide into me. It would take nothing for me to roll him over and sink down on him. “Casey,” I say, and he just covers my mouth with his again.

He moves me effortlessly until I’m in the middle of the bed, and he’s hovering over me. My legs spread for him when he gets on his knees and slowly rips a condom open with his teeth. Taking it out and placing it on his cock that I’m finally seeing all of, and there is a lot to see. I watch him sheath himself and I hold my breath when he takes his cock in his hand and rubs it down my slit.

“Watch me,” he says to me, and my eyes never leave his hands as he rubs me again and then slowly puts the head at my entrance, and slowly, ever so slowly, his cock disappears inside me. Filling me and making me moan, I close my eyes and take in the feeling of him. My legs move up his hips now and lock behind his back as he falls forward on his elbows right beside my head.

“Olivia.” He calls my name, and I open my eyes to look at him and when I’m looking deep into his eyes he comes out and enters me again this time in one deep thrust. “Olivia.” He says my name over and over again between his pants and then kisses. Between his tongue slipping into my mouth or my breathing into his neck. The whole time my hands roam his arms and then his back. I can’t get enough of him, the way he touches me and the way he slowly and deeply fucks me. I’m about to cry out but he covers my mouth with his again. “Olivia.” He says my name again and I’m so close to saying the three words I’ve never said to anyone before. Three words I thought I would never feel for another person.

I swallow the words, and the tears that are burning to come out, not because of sadness, but because I’ve never been this happy before in my life. I’ve never been this cherished with his mouth on my lips, my neck, my ear as he makes love to me. “Casey.” I whisper his name when I’m close to the edge. “I’m almost there.”

“I know, darlin’,” he says, my clit igniting every single time he slams home as I try to pick up the friction. “Wet your finger,” he says, and I stick Copyright 2016 - 2024