Southern Comfort - Natasha Madison Page 0,64

All around me, his touch pushes me to the edge. From the minute he grabbed me in the elevator to the smooth way he got my dress down. His big rugged hands are no match for my flimsy lace panties and the second he touched them they disintegrated. I watch his blue eyes when his thumb starts to move back and forth on my clit as he finger fucks me until it becomes too much, and I come on his fingers. The minute I moan his name, his mouth devours me again. Dragging the orgasm out, my legs lock his head in until my body finally finishes.

I knew it would be out of this world. I knew that it would be nothing like before because I like him. I like him a lot, and this right here just pushed him into another category I wasn’t ready for. But is anyone really ever ready for love? I sit up, and this time, it’s me who grabs his face, and I kiss him. His tongue tastes like me and whiskey, and the more I taste, the more I want to taste more. My hands fall from his face to his chest, a chest I’ve fallen asleep on, a chest that I buried my face in when I cried. A chest that shivers under my touch now. My hands go down to his belt, and I slowly undo it while he tries to talk, but my mouth never leaves his. I slip open the button, and the sound of the zipper going down is drowned out by the moan that escapes him when my palm cups him. He’s rock solid, and when my finger slips past the elastic band and touches the tip of his cock that is oozing precum, he lets go of my mouth.

“Darlin’.” He says my name, and I look at him now.

“You had your fun, cowboy,” I say, slipping down on my knees in front of him. I kiss under his chin and then kiss his neck right where I can feel his heart beating just as fast as mine. My tongue comes out and trails it to his shirt collar. “It’s time to have mine,” I say and bend to see his pants hanging off his hips, his black Calvins pushed down showing you just the tip of his cock. I lean forward and lick the tip, the saltiness hitting my tongue and making me take his head into my mouth. The need to bring him to his knees just as he did me takes over, and my hand comes out to cup his balls as I fist him. My fingers don’t touch as I jack him off at the same time I move my head up and down.

“Darlin’,” he says, pushing my hair away from my face, and I look up at him as he watches me take him in my mouth. “Fuck,” he says as I gag on his cock when it hits the back of my throat. “Take me,” he says softly. “All the way,” he says, and I try again, but he’s just so big I can’t. “Slowly,” he says but I don’t want to go slow.

“No,” I say, licking him from his balls to the top of his cock. “Not slow. Fast,” I say, sucking him in again and then licking the other side of his cock now. “Fast, hard, and wet,” I say.

“Is that what you want?” he asks, and my hand jerks him a couple of times.

“Yes,” I say, and his eyes gloss over, and his cock throbs in my hands. So I lean down and take him again in my mouth, sucking him deep and then twirling my tongue around his head.

“Yes. I want you to sit on the couch, and I want to sink down on your cock,” I say, and I shiver at the look on his face. He leans down and kisses me with his tongue while my hand jerks his cock, and I feel it getting bigger in my hand.

“I’m going,” he starts to say, and I take him in my mouth again, and I suck him in as my name leaves his lips when he releases himself. I swallow him until he's done, and when I slip his cock out of my mouth, it is even harder than it was before.

“Darlin’.” He pulls me up, kissing me while he does. He wraps one hand around my waist and almost as if I weigh as light Copyright 2016 - 2024