Southern Comfort - Natasha Madison Page 0,67

Casey Barnes.”

“Oh, I can finish,” I say as I roll her over, and the sound of her laughter fills the room at the same time the knock on the door fills the room.

“Obviously, you can’t.” She pushes me off her and gets off the bed, about to walk out of the room.

“Where in the sam hill do you think you’re going?” I hiss at her and grab her around the waist before she steps foot outside the room.

“I was going to answer the door.” She looks back at me, shaking her head.

“Naked?” I ask, and she looks at me.

“I’m wearing a robe,” she says, and I look at her grabbing my pants from the floor and slipping them on.

“You’re in a robe naked underneath it.” I glare at her. “If there is a gush of wind, then what?”

“A gush of wind?” she asks, folding her arms over her chest. “In the hallway?”

“You never know,” I say. Turning to walk to the door, I stop to turn around. “Don’t make me tie you up.”

“Oh, you wish, cowboy,” she says. There is another knock on the door, but she doesn’t follow me. I open the door and see four people in the hallway with trays on their shoulders.

“Please come in, and you can put it on the dining room table,” I tell them. They walk in, and I walk back to the bedroom where I see her sitting on the bed. “They are laying out the food.”

“Can I come out yet?” she asks, and I shake my head.

“I’ll call you when it’s time,” I say, walking to her and kissing her lips. “Don’t come out before then.”

“Oh, for the love of all the lard in the South,” she says, and I laugh at her and walk out of the room and see the table all set. With fried chicken, chicken fried steak, grits and shrimp, collard greens, biscuits and gravy, cornbread, and so much more.

“Let me know if you need something else,” the butler from this morning says, and I smile at him as he walks out of the room.

“Is it safe to come out?” she yells from the bedroom, and I laugh.

“You can come out now,” I say, and she walks into the living room wearing my shirt that I had on a couple of hours ago. My cock immediately springs into action when I look at her, and then I look at the food, and I’m about to take her on the table when she points at me.

“You said I needed my strength so buckle it down, cowboy,” she says, sitting down and grabbing a plate to help herself. “Do you know before last month, I had never eaten fried chicken?” she says, looking at me. I just watch her as she takes a bite and then looks at me. “Also, I didn’t eat any carbs for ten years.”

“At all?” I ask, grabbing my own plate and filling it up. She looks over at me and raises an eyebrow. “You aren’t the only one who needs their strength.” She laughs, and I lean over and softly kiss her lips.

“To be in the rodeo, did you have to be on a special diet?” she asks, and I shake my head.

“No, I guess I just needed to eat lots of protein and keep my cardio up,” I say, taking a bite of the shrimp and grits and then looking over at her. “What about you?” She looks at me. “To walk the runway, did you?”

She puts her head back and laughs. “I’ve been on a diet since I was six and my mother thought I was getting a pouchy stomach,” she says, and I grip my fork even harder. “I was allowed white fish, steamed veggies, and that is about all. My portions were also counted and no sugar. Not even on my birthday. I mean, once they tried to slip it to me at one of the pageants on the day of my birthday, but my mother threw it on the floor.” She picks up her hands and does air quotes. “By accident.”

I shake my head and make a mental note to buy her the biggest and sweetest cake that there can be for her next birthday. I try not to think that I might not be with her. Regardless, she’s getting a huge cake. “My mother made all our cakes,” I say, and she smiles, and her whole face lights up.

“I bet she did,” she says as she takes a Copyright 2016 - 2024