Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,59

way that David and she would ever be free to be together. March came and went with no word from Malcolm or David. Conflicts began to rise throughout the country. Ft. Sumter had fallen and in Baltimore a riot killed Union soldiers. It made Johanna sick to think it could have been David or Jacob. Virginia indeed had seceded and her uncle decided he couldn’t fight against his own state and family. It was a hard decision for him to make.

“He has been out in the gardens for hours, just pacing,” said Mary.

“What do you think he will do?” Johanna asked.

“I don’t envy him, it seems no matter what he decides, he will be fighting against friends,” Mary said sadly.

“Does it have to come to war?” asked Johanna fearful.

“I am afraid that is what it is leading to,” said Mary.

The women continued to watch Robert in the gardens. Both of them filled with anxiety about his final decision for different reasons.

“Now, what about this Malcolm I have been hearing about?” Mary asked trying to distract them from the heaviness of the situation. “Do you want to marry him?”

Just then Robert entered the room. Both women looked up with concern.

“I have come to the final conclusion,” he announced, “that I must resign from the U.S. Army.” He stood erect confident in his decision. “I will accept the position as commander of the Northern Virginia Army.”

Johanna and Mary began to cry.

“I cannot fight against my home state,” he added.

To Johanna it was like a knife had just ripped apart any connection that David and she had together. She felt the heart strings break one by one leaving her with only one decision to make; how to get over David McPherson.

“Johanna,” said Robert, “I am very grateful for your help in keeping my plans safe. I knew that I could trust you. I am sorry for putting you in harm’s way getting it to me. Mary said that it caused a lot of heartache as well?”

“I am glad I could help,” said Johanna. “I am just sorry the union soldier took the map. I found myself being deceived on several occasions. I didn’t know who to trust.”

“It is hard to know,” explained Robert. “Sometimes you just have to go with your gut.”

“Pardon?” asked Johanna not understanding his words.

“Go with what your heart tells you. It never seems to mislead,” he said.

“My heart has made me love one who is now our sworn enemy,” confessed Johanna.

“Johanna,” Robert put his arm around her, “you are free to love who you choose. I just want you to know that I have many dear friends in the North. I had to make a decision because of who I am. That is one decision you do not have to make. We will always be your family, always.”

Tears welled up in Johanna’s eyes. “Thank you for saying that, Uncle,” she smiled. “It doesn’t matter now. I fear I will never see him again.”

“I am a bit confused. What ever happened to Malcolm?” he asked. “Are you not going to marry him?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard from him,” she answered. “He told me he was going to meet you in New Orleans. Did you not see him there?”

“I never made it,” said Robert.

“I am finding he is not very trustworthy,” said Johanna.

“Nonsense,” insisted Robert. “He is a fine man. I hand picked him myself to escort you out of South Carolina.”

“Well, maybe he was delayed,” said Johanna. She wondered if she should tell her uncle about him shooting her and then decided against it.

“I must leave. I will send word if I am in contact with Malcolm. In the meantime, would you continue to hold on to my cigar box?” he asked.

“Absolutely, you can count on me,” she smiled.

“Good. I know it is safe in your hands. I will send for it when it is needed. Hopefully, this time it won’t cause you as much grief,” he said.

# # #

It had been almost two months since David jumped out of her carriage and out of Johanna’s life. He had the map and didn’t need her anymore she thought. She did have the plans kept safely in the cigar box skillfully wrapped around each aroma filled cigar. Her uncle had left it in her care once again until it was needed. She reread her Blackwood’s Magazine, “it’s a beautiful romance, but it is all so fleeting,” she frowned and then closed the book.

“There is a letter for you Miss Lee,” Copyright 2016 - 2024