Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,58

he appointed a young soldier to escort you here. Where is this young man?”

“It is a long story,” sighed Johanna. “Maybe one I should write down one day, for I can’t believe it myself, and I went through it.”

“Was it that bad, my dear?” asked Mary worried about her niece.

“Yes, I would like to hear all about it,” said a voice from the doorway.

“Robert, you are home,” Mary ran to her husband, embracing him.

Robert smiled at his wife and then eyed his niece, “Johanna, I think you and I need to talk.”

“Yes, I think we do,” said Johanna.

# # #

Weeks had passed and although Johanna was thankful to finally be with her family, she missed David and thought of him often. No word came from him and she started to believe that maybe he really did only pretend his affections to get a hold of the map. Everyone was talking about the new Confederate States of America in which David was no part. Malcolm had continued to pursue her and she began to welcome the company. He did seem to feel regretful about shooting her and eventually she did forgive him.

“Johanna, do you truly forgive me for shooting you?” Malcolm asked as they walked the gardens.

“I do Malcolm,” said Johanna.

“Will you say I do again to me in front of witnesses?” Malcolm smiled.

“Maybe I will,” Johanna smiled back.

“You don’t know how happy you have made me,” Malcolm leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I must leave at once to New Orleans. I have been called to a meeting with your uncle at Fort Pike. I can’t wait to tell him the news!”

“When will you be back?” Johanna asked.

“In two weeks, just enough time for you to plan our wedding,” Malcolm smiled as he walked out the door.

“Wait, I can’t plan a wedding in two weeks,” Johanna tried to say but he had already left. “What am I doing?” Johanna questioned herself. “I must speak with Aunt Mary.”

# # #

“Sir, I know I have asked you this before, but I am asking you again for leave for a few months,” reminded David.

“I understand that, Lieutenant. I can’t accept your request. I need you, you’re my best soldier. If I let you leave now I am afraid you will never return, like your pal Myers,” said General Meade.

“I told you, he never left New Orleans. I guess he decided to stay with his outlaw brother and become a pirate himself,’ admitted David. “It was a surprise to me sir. I had no idea he was related.”

“At ease soldier, I know that,’ Meade said.

“You have me on missions that anyone can do, I haven’t even gotten to write a letter to my family in six weeks,” David said now frustrated with his predicament.

“I know. We do thank you for your dedication and retrieving the map for us. Now that Virginia seceded and Lee followed like we predicted, it will be a detrimental asset. General Grant is looking for a few men to lead another mission. It’s dangerous but I know that you can handle it, so I recommended you. Will you consider taking it?” Meade asked.

“What is it?” asked David.

“We need you to head to Baltimore and retrieve luggage that was taken by a mob from the Baltimore Riot. There was something in one bag that must be retrieved. Further instructions will be waiting for you at the train station where it was last seen.”

“What in this bag?” David asked.

“A letter from Lincoln, let’s just leave it at that,” Meade said. “I need you to take this too.”

David realized Meade had handed him the map that started it all. “I can’t do that,” he whispered.

“Yes you can. It’s an easy task. Why don’t you take Evans with you or if you prefer you can go it alone. Change your clothes, you’re going undercover for this one,” Meade ordered. “Oh by the way, Private Graystone decided to follow in Lee’s footsteps and leave the Union, he was a traitor just as you suspected. He ended up marrying the General’s daughter.”

David sat in sheer disbelief. He whispered to himself, “You mean his niece.” He felt like he had just been punched. “Sir,” he said aloud, “I will accept the mission. But after that I am staying in Harrisburg to protect my family.”

“I understand,” answered Meade.

David rode hard into the night. Grief stricken at his loss he cried out into the abyss, “If you only had a little faith in me.”

Chapter 25

ohanna figured there was no Copyright 2016 - 2024