Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,57

different than Malcolm, he betrayed me the same as you.”

“If you think that I am anything like Mr. Graystone than you don’t know me at all, Miss Lee,” said David.

“Well, I don’t care to,” she lied. “It’s all lies. No one seems to know how to tell me the truth anymore,” Johanna turned her face toward the window to escape his spell he had on her. “My encounters with the pirates in New Orleans were not from Malcolm and you know it.”

“I do now. I didn’t then. I am sorry. I thought I knew Preston more than anyone but I too was deceived. I should have known he had pirate blood in him,” David confessed with a bit of a chuckle. “He fits the profile doesn’t he?”

Johanna smiled, “Yes, he definitely does.”

“You don’t know what restrain it took to not want to step out of the carriage and pulverize Malcolm,” he said.

“Why didn’t you?” she asked curious.

“Because I have made too many mistakes with you and I will never put you in harm’s way again,” he stared at her wondering what she was thinking. “So, where do we go from here?” David asked her.

“Well, you are getting married and I am going to live with my family in Virginia, which is now planning on seceding,” said Johanna “I guess this is where we say our goodbyes.”

David sat next to her now, leaned in and whispered gently, “I am not getting married.”

The words freed her from the pain that she had been carrying within her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to keep her from smiling. All she wanted to do was smile or giggle, or laugh, but there still was so many obstacles in the way. She felt his gaze upon her. She could hear their hearts beating and the horse’s hooves clopping. David put his hands over her cheeks and brought her to him. He kissed her with so much passion she feared she wouldn’t be able to stop. His embrace was all that she had longed for.

“What are we doing?” Johanna stared at David.

“It’s called kissing,” David smiled.

“You know what I mean. Where do you think this is going to go? We live happily ever after?” Johanna now faced with reality.

“Why can’t we? You have to trust me my Beauty. Have a little faith. It will all work out,” David smiled and caressed her cheek.

Just then Johanna looked outside of the carriage and saw Ravensworth approaching and within its borders were soldiers surrounding its grounds.

“Those must be General McClellan’s men,” observed David. He knew he had to leave before he was noticed. “I have one favor to ask you,” David looked at the map that Johanna was holding.

“You want the map,” Johanna now feeling duped.

“It’s not what you think,” he said. “Jacob wants to retire and stay with his family in Harrisburg. Meade will never let him if we go back to him empty handed.”

“So, it’s for Jacob, not for you?” Johanna was still unsure of his intentions.

“Listen, keep the cigar box. I just need to bring the map back. Please I am asking you to trust me,” he pleaded.

She bit her lip deciding her fate, “all right, I will give it to you, but it’s not for you, I am doing it for Jacob and Emma.”

“I know,” he frowned and looked out the window.

They both felt the moment intensify. He would have to depart and leave her alone once again. To Johanna it seemed her once in a lifetime romance would come to an end once David stepped out of her carriage. A foreboding feeling crept over her.

“Wait,” she whispered before he leapt out of the moving carriage. He seemed to know what she was feeling perhaps he was felt it too. He didn’t say a word. He grabbed her with a powerful embrace, kissed her, and then jumped.

# # #

“Johanna, my dear, you made it,” said Mary Custiss-Lee hugging Johanna. “I am so sorry for leaving Arlington before you came. Are you all right?”

“I am fine, Aunt Mary,” smiled Johanna feeling the warmth of her aunt’s hug. “I am happy to finally be here in one piece.”

“You have been through quite a lot since your parents left,” said Mary with a frown.

“You don’t know the half of it,” said Johanna.

“Well, we can sit and have tea and you can tell me all about it,” smiled Mary.

“That’s sounds wonderful,” said Johanna returning the smile.

“Your uncle should be here soon,” said Mary. “He told me Copyright 2016 - 2024