Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,56

just get over it?”

“You found out I was telling the truth about him, didn’t you?” Malcolm asked. Johanna refused to answer. “Let me take you to Ravensworth. Let me prove to you my deepest regret was losing you.”

“Malcolm, I don’t think that is necessary,” she continued to search him with her eyes for any deceit.

“Please let me. I did try to keep a close eye on you after I recovered from my fever. I found out where you were and kept watch from a distance to make sure you were in good health and safe,” he stepped closer not trying to alarm her.

“You mean to make sure the bullet you put in me didn’t kill me,” Johanna stared him down.

“Johanna, I swear to you, I knew that David felt something for you. I had myself convinced that you loved him too. I was out of my mind with fever and jealousy. I thought if I hurt you, I would hurt him too. It was a terrible mistake. You don’t love him do you?”

“No, I do not,” Johanna said without hesitation as she bit her lip in anger.

“Will you forgive me?” Malcolm asked.

“I will try,” Johanna said still not letting him get near.

“I will spend the rest of my days making this up to you,” Malcolm stepped closer until he was face to face with her.

“I still don’t know, I want to believe you, you don’t know how badly I want to believe you, but the pirate, Captain Myers, on the merchant ship?” questioned Johanna.

“Think Johanna, what are David’s companions last names?” Malcolm said at a whisper now.

“They are Jacob Evans and Preston…Myers!” Johanna shocked to find out that every time she turned around nothing seemed to be what she believed.

“And the truth shall set you free,” whispered Malcolm as he slowly put his hand to her frosted cheek.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore,” whispered Johanna, just feeling as if she wanted to give up. She put her head in his shoulder as he hugged her tightly.

“I know it will take time, but I still have hope that someday you will consider to be my wife,” Malcolm whispered.

It felt warm being in Malcolm’s arms. When Malcolm mentioned marriage, it jolted her. She was reminded about David’s marriage to Kathleen. She took a deep breath to ward off the pain.

“I knew you were ill Malcolm, I will give you that,” Johanna relented. “Maybe we can discuss this later when I get to Ravensworth.”

“Miss, are you ready to leave?” asked the driver.

Johanna nodded, “Yes, I am, thank you.”

“This is wonderful news!” he gave her his best charming smile, dimples and all.

“I said we will discuss it later,” she reiterated.

“Then I look forward to our next meeting,” he kissed her hand softly and then helped her into the carriage.

Malcolm stood in place as he watched the carriage ride out of sight. His smile had now morphed into a smirk.

# # #

“You have got to be kidding me,” said David who had now come out of the shadows inside the carriage.

“What are you doing here?” she asked him as her heart skipped a beat confused by his appearance.

David ignored her question, “Well my Southern Beauty, I didn’t think it possible, but you have definitely surprised me again. You would consider marrying him? After he shot you? Oh, you must be very desperate to get married.”

“Desperation is what drove me to let you, a Northerner, kiss me several times,” Johanna stared him down.

“Was it desperation or love?” David asked.

Johanna refused to answer. “Why would you bring me to Harrisburg, to ridicule me in front of your family or to parade your little wife around in front of me?”

“Do you think that is why I brought you there?” David asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Johanna frowned.

“It does matter to me,” David put his hand on hers.

Johanna’s heart pounded in her chest. His touch made her tremble. She looked into his eyes. His sapphire eyes she was convinced she would never see looking at her that way again, and here they were.

“Do you believe I love you?” she asked him.

“I do,” he insisted.

“Well, you’re mistaken,” she said. “Not everyone is in love with you Mr. McPherson.”

“No, not everyone, just you are,” he insisted.

“How do you know that? How could you have possibly convinced yourself that is true? I have never giving you an inkling of hope that I would ever fall for a man like you. A Yankee for goodness sake,” she continued with her insults. “You aren’t any Copyright 2016 - 2024