Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,55

saw Johanna. “Where is she?” said David scared now.

“She left, David,” Jacob put his hand on David’s shoulder to console him.

“Where did she go?” David asked.

“She left to Ravensworth to be with her family, where she belongs,” Jacob answered him.

“What do I do?” David asked his friend for advice.

“I think you should let her go,” Jacob said as he saw the surprise on David’s face who wasn’t expecting this from him.

“But, I love her,” David said.

“All the reason more you should let her go. She is angry with you and she thinks you betrayed her. How do you think this is going to end? We have failed our mission because of this and trust me, Meade will make us pay. They will never let us leave the army.”

“I will take the blame,” said David still in shock of losing Johanna.

“We just got word that Virginia is considering seceding. It is only a matter of time Lee will give his resignation. Her family is now considered traitors,” Jacob sadly said. “Everyone is going to be hurt by this, including you my dear friend.”

David’s mind was spinning. He had sprinted to Jacob’s with such joy in his heart, happier than he had ever been. He was ready to confess his love to Johanna, and instead he found himself faced with the realization that his happiness was only fleeting. He left in a daze, his mind in a darkened fog. He pondered every possible situation and could not find a suitable solution. He had no idea where he was walking. His mind continued to race as his heart broke with each step he took. He suddenly found himself at his family’s home standing at the doorway in tears.

“Son, are you okay,” Mrs. McPherson asked noticing his somber demeanor and led him to a chair.

“She is gone,” he whispered.

“Who is gone?” she asked.

“Johanna. I don’t know what to do,” tears slowly seeped down his unshaven face. “I can’t lose her, but I don’t know how to keep her.”

“Yes you do! Listen to your heart,” she smiled wiping away his tears with her handkerchief.

“My heart has betrayed me,” whispered David again, “It will never work out. We are now from two different sides. It is too late.”

“You will fight for your country but why won’t you fight for love?” Mrs. McPherson asked him.

David closed his eyes while he inhaled deeply. He then opened them this time with a new outlook and a new desire to take a leap of faith.

“Thank you,” David kissed her cheek and disappeared out the door.

Chapter 24

e are stopping for a short rest, the horses need water,” said the driver as he helped Johanna out of the carriage.

“Of course,” said Johanna.

“Hello Miss Johanna,” Malcolm came up to her.

“Malcolm, what are you doing here?” Johanna scared of the man who shot her.

“I followed you. I wanted to apologize for everything. Can you ever forgive me?” said Malcolm with sadness to his voice.

“Malcolm, you shot me,” Johanna confused by his apology.

“I know. I will never forgive myself. I had a terrible fever and I was sick for many days. I didn’t know what I was doing. You have to believe me,” he begged her.

“You tricked me, you betrayed me,” Johanna continued. “How could you do this to me and my uncle?”

“That was a lie. I did not set you up with pirates and I did not switch sides. McPherson was confusing you,” insisted Malcolm.

“Why did you come here?” she kept her guard still not trusting him.

“I am trying to tell you, I am giving up the life of a soldier if that is what you want. I am spending my days taking care of you until you can forgive me,” he handed back her cigar box and map.

“You’re given me these after all that? You are handing them over just to say you’re sorry and then what? Say I forgive you right now, Malcolm, then what?” she asked. “Will you ask for these back? Did you realize you couldn’t go to my uncle without me and the papers?”

“That is not why I am here,” he insisted. “I thought you were going to stay with McPherson. When you left Harrisburg, I thought I might still have hope.”

“You shot me, took everything in my possession, lied to me, and betrayed me like no other, and you think that I would just forgive you?” she asked. “Why is it that you and Lieutenant McPherson can betray me in the worst way and think that I will Copyright 2016 - 2024