Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,60

said one of the servants who handed her a sealed envelope.

“Now who could this be from?” asked Johanna.

Malcolm hadn’t sent word, a reprieve for her she welcomed. She just wasn’t sure if she really wanted to marry him. He had proven himself to be unpredictable and rather unreliable.

Johanna opened the envelope which bore her name. She felt the anticipation as if she were a child opening a special gift from a loved one. “Oh, it’s from Abigail!” she smiled at first. As Johanna hurried through the short letter her demeanor changed. At first pleased to hear from her dear friend and then quite distraught by the news it brought;


I have scandalous news! You won’t believe it when I tell you. I hope you are sitting down. Your dearest Malcolm Graystone married Clarice Beauregard yesterday. The wedding seemed to come up quickly but they say they were privately engaged for several months. I pray you are not too upset. You still have your number three.

Forever your friend,

Mrs. Abigail Jenkins

Johanna held the letter in her hand reading it repeatedly not quite sure what to make of it. She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry. She felt quite humiliated with a tinge of relief in her heart.

She went over to her night stand and realized the cigar box was missing. Malcolm had taken it before he had left and she, the fool that she was, didn’t notice it until now.

Johanna ran to her aunt, who was in the drawing room sitting near the fireplace, a small shawl covered her shoulders.

“Aunt Mary,” said Johanna in a serious tone. “I have news about Malcolm.”

“Oh, is he coming back to marry you, my dear?” she asked.

“He is not, it seems he is already married,” said Johanna.

“What do you mean?” Mary asked.

“He married Clarice Beauregard,” said Johanna choking on her words.

Mary was stunned by the news and worried about her niece’s mental state.

“Oh, that is shocking news! That scoundrel, how could he do that to you?” Mary asked.

“You don’t know Clarice,” said Johanna frowning.

“He surprised us all. Robert really took to him,” Mary shook her head. “He is going to be so disappointed.”

“Yes, I am sure he is,” said Johanna.

Mary put her hand on Johanna’s shoulder to console her, “are you okay, my dear?”

“I actually am,” Johanna smiled realizing she now felt liberated. “I should have known, but I was too wrapped up in my own affairs to see it.”

“You know, Johanna, sometimes God closes doors so we don’t walk through the wrong one,” explained Mary.

“I think you are right,” agreed Johanna. “Now what do I do with the door that still lies open?”

“That is a question only you can answer,” said Mary smiling. “Is it a door you want to enter into?”

Johanna sighed, “More than anything.”

“Than what are you going to do about it?” Mary asked.

“I am not sure yet,” answered Johanna.

“Whatever decision you make, you know you have your uncle’s and my support,” assured Mary.

“I thank you. That means a lot to me,” Johanna smiled at her aunt. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“You will never have to find out,” Mary smiled back.

Johanna found herself at the gardens to ponder her predicament. She had felt better once she arrived. She understood why her uncle went there for prayer and meditation, it was a peaceful place. She sat in silence. Her mind raced through the last three months. She closed her eyes not sure if she should trust what her heart was telling her.

“What am I to do?” she asked herself. “What if he doesn’t love me? What if this was all a ruse to get the map from me? What if I don’t find out?” She continued to ask herself questions that needed answers.

Johanna smiled as she stood to leave. “I know what I must do,” she put her hand over her heart, “I just need a little faith.”

Chapter 26

ir, there is someone here for you,” a train attendant tapped David on the shoulder and then pointed outside.

David, surprised by the intrusion, walked out to see who his visitor was. He didn’t see anyone at first and then he thought his eyes were deceiving him. On a bench near by was Johanna with a distraught look upon her face. He thought he was mistaken or it was a dream, but he continued toward her anyway.

Johanna stood once he stepped closer to her. She still did not smile. She looked as if she had the weight of the world on Copyright 2016 - 2024