Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,52

as you like,” Emma insisted.

“I am not a prisoner?” asked Johanna.

“Not in the least,” Emma smiled.

“I appreciate your kindness, but,” she looked at Emma desperately, “I need to leave.”

Emma smiled warmly, “I understand.” She hesitated and then said thoughtfully, “If I know anything, I know that God always has a plan. It will all work out, Miss Lee.”

“Sometimes, I wonder after all I have been through, for who will it work out.” Johanna’s voice cracked while she held back tears that began to form.

Jacob interrupted with a slight clearing of his throat, “I have a letter for you Miss Lee.” He handed it to her.

“It’s from my aunt,” Johanna said surprised. “How did she know I was here?”

“She doesn’t. It was left by a servant from the Custiss-Lee Mansion addressed to you. You were too out of it to give it to you earlier,” Jacob answered while Johanna read the letter.

“There was a meeting my uncle attended at the Virginia secession convention. There were several decisions to make, she’s fled to Ravensworth. She wants me to meet her there,” Johanna said relieved she no longer had to bear being in David’s hometown when he was getting married.

“Yes I know,” Jacob said sadly.

“Will you stay a little longer?” Emma asked.

“Yes, you no longer have anything we need in your possession. You are not a prisoner but our guest,” Jacob tried to say politely.

“Jacob,” Emma whispered in an accusing tone.

Johanna smiled, “I know what you meant, but I cannot,” Johanna’s eyes began to tear and she held them on Emma.

Emma’s concerned look on her face turned to a smile. “Miss Lee would you like to meet our son, Daniel?” she asked.

“Would I ever,” she smiled.

# # #

“David, you brought Lee’s niece here? If he knows this he will send troops to retrieve her,” Mrs. McPherson warned her son.

“Mother, I thought she was dying. I didn’t know what to do,” David answered.

“You must have her return to her family. You can’t put us all in danger,” said Mrs. McPherson.

“I know, but there is a problem with that,” said David.

“And what is that, pray tell?” she asked.

“I am in love with her,” David confessed.

“David, you are to marry Kathleen tomorrow,” she said in shock.

“I don’t want to marry her. I can’t marry her. I was never in love with her. You thought it would be a good fit and I just never disagreed,” David now feeling sick about all the people he was hurting.

“I see. You have definitely put yourself in an awful predicament. How do you think this is going to work out between you and Miss Lee?” Mrs. McPherson now concerned for her son.

“I don’t know, but I know if I don’t find out I will always regret it,” he said.

“Will you too regret that you broke an engagement to a lovely woman who has loved you since childhood?” she asked.

“My only regret would be if I married her under false pretenses. I don’t love her,” he insisted. “I never did.”

“You will cause quite a scandal for this woman?” she asked.

“I would die for her,” David confessed.

“That is extreme,” she said.

“I know, I just can’t live with out her,” he admitted.

“Oh, it must be love then,” she smiled.

David smiled back, “I know you will love her too.”

“I am sure I will,” she said. “Son, I encourage you to pray about this decision you are making.”

“I do every day,” he smiled at her.

“That’s my boy,” she smiled back at him. “If this is God’s will then surely he will move heaven and earth for you and her to be together.”

“So, you are okay with this?” he asked.

“I just want you to be happy, that is all a mother can ask for,” she smiled.

“That I am,” he answered.

“I can tell,” she laughed. “You know what a scandal this is going to be among my friends?”

“Can you handle it?” he asked.

“Oh, I look forward to it!” she smiled.

“Thank you,” he smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

“You have one difficult task ahead of you,” she said.

“And what is that?” he asked still smiling.

“You must go and tell Kathleen,” insisted Mrs. McPherson insisted.

David’s smile disappeared. He sighed, “I know.”

# # #

“Are you sure you want to leave?” Emma questioned Johanna while they were alone. “I so much enjoyed your company.”

“You are such a dear friend. I am so thankful to you,” smiled Johanna.

“I am sorry David hasn’t come around. I don’t know what could keep him,” she tried to make Johanna feel better.

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