Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,51

at Johanna. He stared them both down, and then “Bam!” Malcolm shot Johanna.

“I believe now I have gotten what I came here for, my revenge on you,” and he took off into the night.

“Should we let him go?” asked Jacob.

David didn’t hear Jacob’s questioned. He had already run to Johanna’s side.

“She is bleeding, it’s everywhere Jacob,” cried David. He held her head in his lap. Tears had had already glossed his blue eyes, they slowly trickled down his unshaven face.

Jacob came to his side and leaned over Johanna inspecting the wound.

“It’s okay David,” Jacob assured him. “She’s going to be okay.”

“I can’t lose her, Jacob,” said David in shock. “I just can’t.”

“I know,” said Jacob as he grabbed a white linen cloth that had covered a chair nearby and laid it over Johanna’s now shivering body.

David thought he was going to be sick. The linen looked more like a burial shroud. He prayed silently it would not turn into one.

Jacob put his hand on David’s shoulder for support, “we need to get her a doctor.”

David couldn’t move. He was angry with himself for putting Johanna in danger and simultaneously filled with undeniable fear of losing her.

“I did this,” said David. “I put her here. I as much as shot her myself.”

“You can’t blame yourself, David,” said Jacob.

“I knew what Malcolm was capable of, I just didn’t know he would go this far,” David’s voice cracked as he held back his tears.

“We will deal with Malcolm later, but now we need to get her some help,” insisted Jacob.

“Okay,” David wiped his tears. “Tell me what you want me to do?”

Jacob looked at his distraught friend. It broke his heart to see him in such turmoil.

“Why don’t you stay with her,” said Jacob realizing David wouldn’t want to leave her side. “I will try to find a doctor.”

David looked up at Jacob in desperation; tears filled his eyes once again, “please hurry.”

“I will my friend,” said Jacob. “You just keep her warm.”

“David?” Johanna tried to whisper. Her eyes barely opened. Her face was paler than usual and her red lips seemed to be losing their color.

“I am here,” he cradled her even more. “I am here.”

Chapter 22

re you feeling better?” Emma Evans asked Johanna with a warm smile. “It’s great to see you awake and out of danger.”

“I am fine. Thanks to the both of you,” she smiled up at Jacob and Emma.

“How’s your shoulder?” asked Jacob.

“A little sore,” she smiled. “I just can’t believe I have no recollection of the past week.”

“You don’t remember anything?” asked Emma.

“Not really,” said Johanna trying to recollect the last several days.

“You don’t remember the doctor in Arlington or the train ride?” asked Jacob.

“Or David not leaving your side?” added Emma with a smile and a wink.

Johanna looked around the room, “where’s is Mr. McPherson?”

“He had something he needed to take care of,” Jacob said.

“Right,” his betrayal came rushing back. “It’s just as well. I don’t really want to see him.”

“He didn’t leave your side for a week,” Jacob defended David.

“Jacob, could you check on Daniel for me?” Emma cut in.

“Sure dear,” Jacob was thankful for his wife, she would be able to get through to Johanna.

“I am so glad to finally meet you, I have heard so much about you,” Emma smiled at Johanna.

Johanna smiled back, “Jacob and I have been praying for you and Daniel’s health. I am so happy to meet you finally too.”

“You have caused quite a stir being here,” Emma handed her a cup of tea.

“I am sorry, I never meant to be anyone’s inconvenience,” Johanna frowned.

“You are not at all. I just meant…” Emma tried to say.

“You mean being Lee’s niece,” Johanna finished her sentence.

“That, and well, coming back with David,” Emma added.

“I didn’t come here with him; it’s complicated,” Johanna didn’t know what to say.

“He is supposed to be married tomorrow,” said Emma. “Did you know this?”

Johanna’s heart sank. It was true. “I knew he was to marry,” she admitted.

“Does this bother you?” she asked.

“Not in the least,” Johanna lied.

Emma eyed Johanna. “How about if I say I don’t quite believe you? I think there is something between you and David,” she said.

Johanna didn’t deny it. She carefully watched Emma not knowing where she was going with this conversation.

“I think if you stay here, there won’t be a wedding,” she admitted.

“Then all the more reason I need to leave,” Johanna said feeling devastated and still sore from the gunshot wound.

“You don’t have to leave, you can stay as long Copyright 2016 - 2024