Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,53

to come here now. I have nothing he wants,” Johanna frowned. “I have nothing to offer him.”

“Oh, I don’t believe that is true,” Emma smiled. “Jacob told me how much David cares for you. He didn’t have to tell me though I saw it for myself when he was at your bedside.”

“That was probably led more by guilt than anything for putting me in this situation in the first place,” Johanna frowned.

“It seemed more to me,” Emma insisted.

“I think I am just causing too much controversy being here. I don’t belong here, I really must leave,” said Johanna.

Emma and Johanna were interrupted by a knock at the door. When Emma opened it a young lady stood with a basket of pastries and smile.

“Oh Rebekah, it is so nice to see you,” Emma hugged her.

“Mother asked me to stop by and give you some pastries and welcome your new guest,’ she said as she handed Emma the basket with a big smile toward Johanna.

“Thank you. This is Miss Johanna Lee,” said Emma introducing them.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Johanna smiled back unsure of their new guest.

“Oh, it is so nice to finally meet you,” Rebekah said enthusiastically surprising Johanna with a friendly hug.

Johanna was awed by Rebekah’s excitement and hugged her back without any reservation.

“How is Daniel doing?” Rebekah asked.

“Oh, he is doing just fine, thank you for asking,” said Emma with a smile.

“I must go,” she smiled brightly again at Johanna. “I have so many things to prepare for you see.”

“Thank you for the pastries,” said Emma.

“Oh, you are very welcome. I look forward to meeting you again very soon,” Rebekah said only looking at Johanna.

Johanna smiled, “as do I.”

They watched Rebekah leave with a bit of a skip to her exit. Emma closed the door and looked at Johanna with a huge grin upon her face.

“Well, she was easy to befriend,” Johanna said to Emma with a grin. “She was the sweetest girl I have ever met. I have never seen anyone overflow with that much joy. I wish I could keep her near at all times.”

“Interesting you say that,” said Emma.

“Why is that?” asked Johanna.

“Because Rebekah is David’s sister,” smiled Emma.

Chapter 23

h David, you have finally come back,” said Kathleen. She was surprised how happy it made her to see him standing there in front of her. He was as handsome as ever. She leaned in and felt him wrap his arms around her. His muscles tightened and she felt the strength in his arms as he hugged her. His hold lasted only a second before he let go.

Kathleen’s mind raced through all the memories she had of him. All the lonely nights she waited for him, knowing one day he would come to her and they would be husband and wife. And now he was here, but it was different. She really didn’t want to marry him. Now it was more the idea of him that she loved. She knew he really never loved her and doubted if he ever truly would. It was something she couldn’t bare. She let go of her hold and decided to let him go.

“Kathleen,” David didn’t know where to begin or even if he should. He noticed the warmth in Kathleen’s eyes harden, her manner changed in an instant, she held her head high.

“We are to marry tomorrow David,” said Kathleen.

“I know we are,” said David frowning. He tried to gauge her feelings. He didn’t want to hurt her anymore than he had to.

“It hurts me to tell you this,” Kathleen said.

She knows David thought. He tried to lean in to her and squeeze her hand in support, but she reeled.

“What is it Kathleen?” David asked.

She heard herself speak but she could not imagine where this courage had come from.

“You’ve been gone a long time, David. Sometimes feelings change, people change,” she said.

David eyed her with confusion. He again tried to put his hand on her hers, but she put her own hand up to halt him.

“What are you saying?” he asked.

“I am calling off the wedding,” she announced.

“I am sorry, I wanted you to hear it from me,” David apologized thinking someone had told her about Johanna.

She interrupted him, “please let me finish,” she paused. “I don’t love you anymore David, and I am pretty sure you never loved me.”

David was so taken back by her words. He was going to let her down. He was going to say these things, but not so abruptly and not so harshly.

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