Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,36

other guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins?”

Johanna turned toward Abigail. “Oh, it is so nice to see you again,” she smiled.

Abigail smiled back with a quick squeeze to her arm. Johanna sat next to her getting the hint.

“Lovely party,” Abigail said, “Don’t you think?”

“It’s lovely all right,” Johanna frowned looking once again at David.

He was lost in conversation with Clarice. She tried not to study his new clean shaven face that only enhanced his good looks. She tried only to focus on her anger toward him for being involved once again with Clarice.

Clarice was enjoying Johanna’s glances and played up to them. With every once in awhile caressing his cheek, whispering in his ear closely, and laughing at everything he would say.

Johanna watched what looked like an intimate conversation between David and Clarice. It was like a knife that continued to stab her over and over every time Clarice touched him.

“I am so glad you are here,” Abigail said to Johanna trying to distract her.

“It was so nice of Rene to invite you and your husband, John,” said Johanna realizing her error in letting David’s affection toward Clarice bother her.

Johanna than turned to Rene, “Thank you so much for such a lovely day.”

“Did you enjoy yourself, Miss Lee,” Rene asked smiling.

“I did very much,” she smiled back at him.

She felt David’s gaze upon her, but she refused to look in his direction.

“You should see what I am planning for us tomorrow?” said Rene.

“I truly look forward to it,” said Johanna.

“Johanna,” Abigail whispered to her, “so what is this I hear you are staying here instead of with me?”

“What do you mean?” asked Johanna.

“I received a telegram from Mr. Beauregard telling me you had a change of plans and that you will be staying here with him as his guest for the duration of your stay,” said Abigail.

“He said that in his telegram? That sounds like something he would do,” Johanna smiled as she looked at Rene who was now engaged in a conversation with Abigail’s husband, John.

“Is it true?” asked Abigail, confused by her friend’s reaction. “Are you staying here with Rene?”

“Well, I know he assumes that every woman wants to be with him, but it sounds intriguing doesn’t it, Abigail?” asked Johanna who was not that shocked at Rene’s forwardness.

“Johanna! I am surprised at you,” said Abigail laughing as quietly as she could. “Are you starting to fall for your number one?”

“Oh, Rene is wonderful, but it is extremely distracting when number three is here,” Johanna motioned toward David who was now leaning into Clarice for an intimate whisper.

“You are kidding me, he is Mr. McPherson?” asked Abigail intrigued. “You mean the man with Clarice at his side?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Johanna sighed.

Clarice must have heard her name and looked up across the table staring at Johanna.

She smiled and said, “I guess you will be leaving soon. Just as well, there is nothing left for you here.” She stared Johanna down and then gently put her hand on David’s with a grin. “Rene has to return to papa in Charleston.”

Johanna ignored Clarice’s jab and looked at Rene with disappointment.

“Is this true?” she asked.

“Yes, I am afraid it is,” Rene answered her with a little regret in his voice.

“I am sorry to hear this. You will truly be missed,” Johanna smiled at him.

“I knew I would get to you sooner or later Miss Lee,” Rene smiled.

Johanna blushed but smiled anyway. She glanced at David who had not seemed to look her way throughout most of dinner, was now eyeing her with curiosity.

“My brother,” said Clarice looking at everyone around the room for a dramatic effect, “you have truly outdone yourself this evening.”

“What do you mean Clarice?” asked Rene not sure where she was going with the conversation.

“You usually wait until the holidays to help out those less fortunate than us,” Clarice smiled.

No one knew how to respond to her insult except Rene.

“Clarice, my humble sister, have you not so told me yourself that charity begins at home?” asked Rene.

“I did?” she asked.

“Well, then you are correct to assume that I have been charitable to you. You are very fortunate to be in Miss Lee’s presence this evening. Her family is on the path to greatness. Being friends with her will only increase our position,” Rene smiled.

Clarice stared at Rene. She wasn’t used to being put in her place. She didn’t like it one bit.

It killed David that he couldn’t protect Johanna from Clarice’s stings. He needed to continue his charade until Johanna was Copyright 2016 - 2024