Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,35

Malcolm. “Especially that it was Rene who had saved you from an awful situation.”

Rene’s smile widened.

“It seems the townspeople are all fond of him for some reason,” said Malcolm. “They thought I was collecting a debt or something and sent me in the wrong direction a few times.”

“I think it is you who now are indebted to me, Malcolm,” Rene laughed.

“Shut up, Rene,” Malcolm smiled but wouldn’t take his eyes off of Johanna.

“All right Mr. Graystone, I will forgive you on one condition,” said Johanna.

“And what is that?” he asked returning her smile.

“You take me to Virginia, no more delays,” said Johanna.

“You have a deal. I have already secured a steamship for us. We are to leave by morning. And now that I have found you,” Malcolm was cut off.

“Thanks to me,” Rene chimed in.

“I will never leave your side again,” finished Malcolm. His smile now showing his dimple, he put his hand on her cheek.

“Hey, none of that,” Rene interrupted.

Johanna faced Rene, “Mr. Beauregard, how can I ever thank you for your hospitality?”

Rene added, “And for saving your life?”

Johanna laughed, “Yes, and for saving my life.”

“I don’t know I will have to think it over and let you know,” Rene joked.

“Okay, sounds good,” Johanna smiled.

“I hear you rode a street car for the first time today?” asked Malcolm trying to keep Johanna engaged and eyes off of the handsome Rene Beauregard.

“I did. It was very exciting,” said Johanna smiling. “New Orleans is a beautiful city.”

“She was so nervous I held her hand the whole time,” Rene rubbed it in.

“I am sure you did,” Malcolm said with distaste.

“Dinner is now being served,” said a servant who interrupted their conversation. “Please follow me.”

“I am afraid I can’t stay,” admitted Malcolm. “I have to secure our departure for the morning.” He kissed Johanna’s hand once again. “I will send for a carriage to pick you up and take you to the harbor. I will meet you there. You are almost home.” Malcolm eyed Johanna.

Johanna pondered the word “home.” She had been in so many places in the past month she didn’t even remember where home was.

“That’s okay Malcolm she will be in good hands,” Rene grinned. “I will take good care of her.”

Malcolm frowned, “I am sure you will.”

“Thank you Mr. Graystone,” Johanna ignored Rene’s insinuation. “I will see you soon.”

“So much for not ever leaving your side,” Rene quipped.

“Oh, don’t you worry I wouldn’t miss our trip for anything.” Malcolm looked at Rene. “Besides, on the ship Rene won’t be around to interrupt us anymore!”

“Ah, and to my chagrin too,” Rene smiled at Johanna.

While Malcolm disappeared out the door, Rene held his arm out to Johanna.

“Are you ready for dinner?” Rene asked.

“Yes. I think I am ready,” Johanna smiled up at him.

“I must tell you how absolutely enchanting you look this evening,” said Rene in his charming accent.

Johanna blushed. “Thank you, Rene,” Johanna used his first name in recognition of their friendship.

Rene smile brightened, “I am getting closer.”

“Closer to what pray tell?” Johanna questioned him.

“Closer to you falling in love with me, of course,” Rene smiled.

“Not quite yet,” she laughed.

“Oh, I forgot to mention,” Rene continued as they walked toward the dining hall, “we have a few guests coming. I hope you don’t mind.”

“What do you mean a few guests?” Johanna questioned him but they had walked into a room full of guests sitting at a large table.

Johanna gasped as she surveyed the guest list. To her utter surprise David was sitting next to Clarice. Clarice’s hand was resting on his shoulder. She smiled at Johanna in a protective tiger kind of way.

David smiled up at Clarice not looking at Johanna until he followed Clarice’s gaze.

Johanna was surprised that David wasn’t shocked by her appearance. He nodded in recognition and then carefully looked back up at Clarice.

“I see, it seems you can’t quite keep away from my dear brother,” Clarice said with a sly smile.

“Hello Clarice,” Johanna looked at her and then once again at David.

“You haven’t met my David, have you?” she asked Johanna, smirking. She had sat down and was now leaning into David proudly showing off her new possession.

Johanna hated Clarice for calling David hers. It made her insides hurt. She stared them both down. She felt such conflict, it clouded her judgment. So in a voice that was cold and calculated, she said, “no I have not. Is he one of your new pets?”

Clarice laughed at Johanna’s observation. David smiled.

“Miss Lee,” Rene interrupted, “did you notice our Copyright 2016 - 2024