Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,34


“Now that I am here in New Orleans, I don’t know how I am ever going to get to Arlington?” said Johanna.

“Don’t worry. We will think of something, even if I have to take you myself.” Rene reassured her as he patted her hand. “Meanwhile, let’s have some fun today. How about I show you around my city? Have you ever road a street car before?”

Chapter 14

ohanna met Rene in the tea room in the Beauregard’s home. His gaze locked onto the garden before him with a troubled look on his face.

“What is it ? You seem perplexed,” Johanna asked.

Rene looked out into the horizon as he spoke, “Oh, it just that I feel that I am overwhelmed by life’s stresses and under whelmed by the joy it gives.”

“One must find joy within oneself first to be able to see it anywhere else,” Johanna assured him.

Rene smiled. “Yes, I know, you are right.” They sat in comfortable silence.

“My sister is here. I apologize for her already. She is in one of her moods again,” said Rene.

“No need to worry. I have a lot of practice dealing with your sister and her moods,” Johanna smiled.

“You and her have some kind of falling-out between you?” he asked.

“You could definitely say that,” Johanna said not wanting to elaborate.

“Well, I hope she doesn’t spoil our evening,” Rene frowned.

“I hardly believe she could,” Johanna tried to reassure him.

“Would you like to tell me what it is?” he asked trying not to pry.

“Why your sister and I don’t get a long?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Rene curious.

“Oh, I was dear friends with someone long ago who had the unfortunate loss of having to find out her love was secretly courting your sister in New Orleans. It seemed Clarice knew about my dear friend, but my friend did not know about Clarice,” Johanna sighed. “She just got empty promises of love and marriage and Clarice got the man.”

“Ouch. Well, I am sorry she was caught in the middle of my sister’s love affairs. Unfortunately, she doesn’t count any man off limits,” confessed Rene.

“My friend was devastated at first,” Johanna continued. “She was young. She thought she could trust everyone. It was quite humiliating for her. It seemed she was the only one not in the know.”

“That is usually how it works,” explained Rene.

“Yes. That is true. But, you know, after she stepped away from the situation she realized how thankful she was that she was protected from an awful, loveless marriage. She also finally figured out that happiness doesn’t come from someone else,” Johanna explained.

“It takes a few heartaches to understand that sometimes,” Rene agreed.

“Yes, that is also true,” Johanna now surprised at Rene’s observation.

“Whatever happened to him?” Rene asked.

“He got what he wanted and got what he deserved,” Johanna explained with sadness in her voice.

“He got my sister and good taste of his own medicine,” Rene figured out.

“Yep, your sister didn’t want him anymore once she got him. Clarice had moved on to someone else,” said Johanna.

“Did he ever try to get in touch with your friend, you know, to make amends?” asked Rene.

“He wrote a letter to apologize. But, sometimes we have to realize that God has a better plan for us. Whatever people might do to hurt us, it really doesn’t matter. God can make things turn out for our good,” Johanna smiled. “She married a fine man who adores her and gave her four beautiful children.”

“Well, in your case, you are safe with me. We don’t believe in courting family here,” Rene laughed.

Johanna laughed right back, “Well, I am glad of that, Mr. Beauregard.”

Rene smiled looking on Johanna fondly, “Enough of this serious talk, let us have tea.”

# # #

“Mr. Graystone! I thought I would never see you again,” smiled Johanna genuinely happy to see him.

“Miss Lee, I am so sorry for the confusion. I hope you are all right.” Malcolm approached her and kissed her hand gently. “Please forgive me.”

“I will only if you can you explain yourself? Where have you been this whole time?” Johanna asked a little perturbed at Malcolm’s absence.

“Trying to find you, I am afraid. I had gotten word that we were to meet your uncle at the boat docks. I sent a telegram to inform you to meet us there, but it must not have made it in time,” said Malcolm.

“No I did not receive any message,” said Johanna.

“When I went to the hotel I asked around and someone recognized your description, but wouldn’t tell me anything,” said Copyright 2016 - 2024