Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,37

safely out of the Beauregard’s house, away from Malcolm and with her family in Arlington.

Finding Clarice here was a mixed blessing. She got him in the door so he could get to Johanna, but he also had to deal with Clarice and her strong personality.

Clarice wasn’t done with Johanna. Not by a long shot.

“Johanna, you definitely can tell you are not from here,” Clarice eyed Johanna.

“And why is that?” Johanna asked waiting for the sting.

“You don’t seem to really care about your appearance like most New Orleans’ ladies,” Clarice continued. “After all, how old is that gown you are wearing?”

Rene tried to intervene but Johanna got to her first.

“Oh, yes, I would have to agree with you, my dress doesn’t seem to come off as easily as yours when a handsome man is near,” Johanna clammed back.

The room went into a frizzy. Clarice sat in silent shock at Johanna’s comeback, while David coughed into his drink. John, Abigail’s husband, laughed out loud without any discretion, and Abigail scolded her friend in a loud whisper, “Johanna.”

Rene stood up quickly, “Okay, anyone up for a game of cards?”

Chapter 15

fter Clarice and Johanna’s confrontation everyone moved into the parlor. They all tried pretending there wasn’t tension floating through the room. They each felt uncomfortable for very different reasons.

Rene and John migrated toward the card table and the women to the sitting chairs. David did neither. Instead he went toward the piano and asked Clarice if she minded he played.

“Be my guest,” Clarice smiled. She seemed to not be able to take her eyes and hands off of his handsome face. Johanna thought he winced when Clarice touched his cheek softly, but she figured it was only wishful thinking.

“That was some scene at dinner,” Abigail said to Johanna.

“I don’t know where she gets off thinking she can talk to people that way,” said Johanna.

Abigail and Johanna watched Clarice stand near David who was now playing New Orleans on the piano.

“Apparently he came all the way here for a visit,” explained Johanna.

“For her or for you?” questioned Abigail.

“Oh I love this piece by Bach,” Clarice seemed to intensify her voice so others were aware of her being well educated in music.

“It’s Jesu, Man’s Desire, isn’t it?” announced Rene laughing at the women’s reaction to his observation.

“He is sure putting on a show isn’t he?” said Johanna speaking of David.

“All men do in front of Clarice,” Abigail confirmed. “At least my John is not tempted by the temptress.”

“Yes, you are truly blessed my friend,” Johanna tried to smile.

“Johanna, what are you going to do now?” asked Abigail.

“I am going to Arlington,” she said. “There is nothing for me here. Besides, I think I have worn out my welcome.”

“You think so?” Abigail laughed.

Johanna smiled and then continued to watch David. She tried not to but she could literally feel his presence envelope her. She hated that. Her face flushed thinking of his kiss once again. She just hoped it wasn’t apparent to everyone else.

“Are you going to be okay,” Abigail asked concerned about Johanna.

“I will be fine,” Johanna said convinced. “Besides, I have number one and two to fall back on.”

“Well, Rene seems smitten with you. That is amazing in itself,” Abigail said.

“I don’t think it’s that amazing. You just have to act like you’re not interested and he is near panting like a dog,” Johanna laughed.

“Johanna, that is terrible,” said Abigail as she tried to suppress her laugh. “I don’t know what men see in Clarice,” said Abigail as she too was watching the scene unfold in front of her.

“Oh, your right, she is just beautiful, charming and seductive. Nothing impressive,” smiled Johanna.

They continued to watch the two together. It was hard for her to have David so close in proximity without being near him. She felt the heaviness of disappointment begin to pull her down. She really believed he once had strong feelings for her. It still hurt when she thought of the conversation she overheard between Malcolm and David. He denounced any feelings he had for her, saying that it was all for some mission. She was played a fool and now he sat at Clarice’s side. It felt like déjà vu. This time she had to watch it play out in front of her. She received another stab to the heart when Clarice put her hand on his arm and another when she whispered in his ear with a small kiss before she left the room.

David waited until Clarice was completely out of Copyright 2016 - 2024