Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,29

been clear on every direction you have taken.”

“It seems God has other plans for me,” Johanna smiled.

“Yes, sometimes He does. Well, how do you feel about each one of them?” Abigail said trying to help Johanna sort out her feelings. “Let’s start with the dashing Rene Beauregard!”

“Oh Abigail really, that is absurd. Rene and I just met and I think he needs someone a little more adventurous than I. It would be hard to keep up with his aristocratic lifestyle. And by the way, could you imagine Clarice being my sister-in-law?” Both women grimaced and then laughed.

“Well, if you change your mind, I just want to let you know that he is in town staying at his family’s house,” Abigail said with a wink.

“I will keep that in mind when I am desperate for a genuine heartache,” teased Johanna.

“Okay, let us move on to your number two man,” said Abigail, with a big grin on her face and her curiosity mounting.

“All right, you are truly making me sound like a harlot,” laughed Johanna. She continued anyway, “Malcolm is adorable, you should see those dimples when he smiles. It makes your heart melt. He can make me feel important, like I am the only one for him. It truly is a gift I am sure he spent time perfecting.”

“You don’t trust him?” asked Abigail.

“No, it’s not that,” said Johanna. “He is a perfect gentleman, handsome, and kind.”

“Okay then,” said Abigail, eying Johanna. “What’s the problem?”

Johanna sighed, “The problem is number three.”

# # #

“Did you find her?” asked Jacob.

“Not yet, but I did get in touch with the vixen from Charleston. It seems she is also in town. I think I can use her to my advantage once again,” said David smiling.

“Isn’t there some kind of riff between her and Miss Lee? Are you sure you want to do that?” Jacob asked with concern.

“They definitely have some history,” David agreed. “But they run in the same circles. She is a perfect cover for me to get to Johanna.”

“What do you plan on doing once you finally find her?” asked Jacob.

“First and most important making sure she is safe away from Graystone,” David said with a determined look on his face.

“Then are you going to whisk her away from her family and take her to Harrisburg? Do I need to remind you about Kathleen? Or are you planning on marrying her too?” asked Jacob trying to get David to think about his actions.

“Don’t be so dramatic, Jacob, you are making it sound like a Greek tragedy,” David laughed.

“It very well maybe if you don’t get killed before this ends,” Jacob warned him.

“Killed? Are you insinuating that Malcolm will kill me before he lets me have Johanna?” asked David laughing at the thought.

Jacob ignored David’s question. “This is maddening to watch.”

“What do you mean my friend?” asked David.

“I have never seen you act like this before, at least about a woman,” said Jacob.

“She is not just some woman,” said David serious now.

“No, she is not,” agreed Jacob. He sighed as he eyed David, “I am concerned about you. Do you really love her or is this some crazy infatuation?”

David bit his lip, contemplating Jacob’s question. He sighed and then smiled at his friend, “I really love her.”

Chapter 12

ohanna felt the rush of adrenaline as she made her way through the cobblestone streets of Port of New Orleans. The French Quarter was a surprising place to be. The sounds of trombones and saxophones came out of every corner bar, the smell of incense and tobacco filled the streets, and candles flickered highlighting the drunken soldiers and sailors standing on the sidewalks talking to scanty clothed women. She tried not to notice any of this. She was determined to meet Malcolm and begin her trip to Virginia, to family once again.

Louisiana had just passed the vote and the state had now officially seceded. People were celebrating anyway they knew how. Fireworks filled the evening sky while people cheered at the sight. She couldn’t even remember which side she was on or supposed to be on. She thought about David. How long would he be on her side? If Virginia seceded, they would forever be at odds. Right now they were both from the Union. How long would that last, days, weeks, or months? How long did they have?

She wondered how far north she would have to travel to be an ally of his. Why she was thinking of him again in a loving way perplexed her.

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