Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,28

one you might know, a Mrs. Abigail Jenkins?”

“Oh my, with all the craziness, I forgot my dear friend is here,” Johanna said pleased at her new accommodations. “Thank you so much! You just made my day,” she placed her hand on his and squeezed it gently in a thankful gesture.

“I am glad it is that easy to make you happy,” Malcolm said delighted by her touch and pleased with her reaction. “It is my hope that I can make you that happy every day.”

Johanna blushed. “Well, I would like to see you try, Mr. Graystone,” she said with a hint of playfulness.

“It will be my pleasure I assure you,” he smiled revealing his dimples and his charm once again.

“How long do you think we will be staying?” Johanna asked.

“I fear it may be indefinitely, unless we can get Colonel Lee all the items he needs back in his possession,” Malcolm replied.

“Oh, I must get to Arlington. What can I do to help?” Johanna asked desperately.

“Why don’t you meet me at the St. Charles Hotel tomorrow night? We can plan how to get all of his important papers back,” Malcolm pushed.

“All right, but I don’t know how to get the cigar box back from those Union soldiers that kidnapped me.” Johanna explained.

“We will figure it out. I think you still have something they want. They won’t be far behind us,” Malcolm announced.

Johanna stared at Malcolm as he sat opposite her. He really was adorable even with a black eye.

“Could you please tell me why you were fighting with that soldier at the Beauregard’s?” she asked.

“Oh, that. Did you recognize him?” he asked.

Johanna lied, “no, I did not. Was I supposed to?”

“No. I guess not. He was the one you encountered on the balcony,” Malcolm said testing her.

“Please don’t tell me you were fighting over me?” she questioned. She tried to forget the conversation she overheard.

“Well, he said some things about you that a lady should never hear,” Malcolm lied.

“Oh my, I didn’t know. What did he say?” Johanna asked shocked at Malcolm’s words.

“Well, if you must know, he asked me if I was paying for my escort and if you were available. He must have thought you were a lady of the evening,” Malcolm said trying to upset Johanna.

“Oh. I see.” Johanna’s heart sank. It seemed like something David would say. What a fool I am to actually believe that he loved me. I should have never given into his kiss, his kisses. His wonderfully heart pounding kisses.

# # #

“This city is the biggest in the South, how can we possibly find her?” Jacob asked.

“Easy. She is a lady. Let’s start at the Garden District. Someone has got to know the Lees,” said David.

“We don’t have contacts with the elite. Do we?” asked Jacob.

“I am going to look for my brother, maybe he will know something,” Preston added.

“Good idea, Preston. Jacob and I will split up and ask around, see if anyone knows her whereabouts,” said David. “She’s got to have some kind of connection from here, friends or relatives.”

Chapter 11

bigail, it is so nice to see you!” said Johanna as she hugged her friend. “I have missed you so very much.”

“Johanna, oh how I have missed you too,” Abigail equally excited to see her dearest friend.

“How is married life?” Johanna asked.

“It’s pretty amazing, I would have to say,” Abigail went on, “although I do miss you coming over for a chat and a cup of tea.”

“Me too, thank you for letting me stay with you while I am here,” said Johanna as she scanned Abigail’s parlor. “I heard New Orleans is a magical place.”

Abigail eyed Johanna with curiosity. ”Okay Johanna, what is going on with you? You are never one for small talk. What is on your mind?”

“What do you mean?” asked Johanna.

“First of all, I got word from my cousin Mary Alice and she told me all about the ball and your three handsome gentlemen, is this true?” Abigail asked with no reserve in her manner.

“They are not all gentleman,” said Johanna thinking of David. “But, they are all very handsome indeed!”

Both of them laughed the way women do when they are together conversing about intimate details.

“Please do tell,” said Abigail even more intrigued.

“You are sounding like your cousin now,” Johanna grinned and then sighed over her predicament. “Oh Abigail, I have never felt such conflict within my heart. It is silly really, but I don’t know what to do?”

“Johanna, this isn’t like you,” Abigail observed. “You always have Copyright 2016 - 2024