Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,27


“I still don’t understand why we are on a train to New Orleans instead of on a ship to Arlington,” Johanna asked Malcolm as they boarded the train trying to accept their new detour.

“I am sorry, Miss Johanna, but our trip to Virginia had to be delayed. Colonel Lee said you must meet him in New Orleans immediately. He said you have something valuable in your possession and that he wants you to personally hand deliver to him while he is visiting Fort Pike,” Malcolm explained. “Do you have something valuable?”

“I am not sure,” Johanna chose not to elaborate.

“Do you want to tell me what you think it is?” Malcolm asked.

“Well, I had his cigar box before the union men took it from me. I don’t know how it could be valuable. I don’t think it was that important to divert our destination.” Johanna still didn’t feel comfortable enough to give Malcolm her trust especially about the map hidden in her locket.

“So the men have it now?” he asked.

“They have the cigar box, but I was able to take something else,” she hesitated but mentioned it anyway, “his map.”

“I see. What is this map of, do you know?” he asked curious.

“I am not sure. I never really looked at it. I guess it’s from the famous balloonist,” she was still feeling hesitant divulging information.

“John Steiner? They say he had the only copy, I didn’t think it was true,” Malcolm’s eyes lit up. “Why don’t you give it to me so you will no longer be in harm’s way? It’s probably safer in my hands.”

“I don’t know,” Johanna was weary of him and his excitement. “Why would my uncle send for me and not just his papers?”

“You have a good point,” Malcolm said trying not to alarm her. “Maybe it’s safer in your hands, especially if the soldiers who kidnapped you didn’t get their hands on it.”

“Why are Union soldiers after something of my uncle’s when he is still part of the Union? Why don’t they just ask him for it? And where do you stand in all of this? Are you for the Union or a Confederate?”

“I guess that is a hard question to answer during these tumultuous times,” he paused for attention, “let’s just say I am on Colonel Lee’s side, wherever that may lead me.”

“I know what you mean. Well, I am grateful for that. It is so hard to know who to trust anymore.” Johanna said still feeling unsure if she should have confided in him.

“I understand,” Malcolm smiled. “I hope you know you can trust me.”

As the train left the station, Johanna found the rocking sensation had put her to sleep quickly after they boarded. She didn’t get much time to speak with Malcolm about their evening the night before. He seemed quieter than usual about it and she didn’t feel much like chatting either. They seemed as if they were hung over from the ball, but neither of them drank. Johanna thought to herself, no alcohol, but they had all acted like fools, so really what was the difference.

Johanna was stirred by the sound of papers being shuffled. She almost made herself known until she realized Malcolm was trying to carefully go through her trunk without awakening her and doing a poor job at it.

“What do you think you are doing?” Johanna asked startled by his behavior. Malcolm jumped.

“Here you are,” Malcolm pulled out her shawl and placed it over her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to go through your things, I just wanted to cover you up. You looked a bit chilly.” Malcolm said recovering from his shock of being discovered.

Johanna still not sure of his intentions eyed him over seeing if his actions would give him away.

“Honestly Miss Johanna, I was only trying to take care of you. Please let me at least do that.” Malcolm smiled hoping she would ease up on her accusing stare.

“Thank you Mr. Graystone. You are too kind to me.” Johanna smiled back decidedly giving him the benefit of the doubt.

“We should be in New Orleans by morning,” Malcolm quickly changed the subject. “Have you ever been to New Orleans?”

“No I have not,” said Johanna.

“It’s an amazing city I hope to show you around while we are there,” he paused, “Oh, by the way I have made accommodations for us. I will be staying at the St. Charles Hotel. You on the other hand, I have secured a place with a family on the Garden district. It’s with Copyright 2016 - 2024