Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,30

St. Charles Hotel was connected to small shops and apartments. She couldn’t quite make out the figures standing overhead looking out balconies and whistling and laughing while she grasped the door of the hotel to enter. She refused to look up and acknowledge their misbehavior. She hesitated and took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Excuse me, I am looking for someone I am supposed to meet here,” Johanna asked a hotel attendant who happen to be walking by her as she entered. Johanna was about to describe Malcolm when he grumbled.

“Try over there,” he pointed toward a table where a man sat, it appeared the hotel attendant was too busy to be bothered.

The man who he pointed to sat at a small table alone, glasses barely fit on top of his nose. He seemed to be trying to read scraps of paper that lay out in front of him, he was mumbling to himself. Johanna started toward him when a woman with a hooded cloak interrupted her path.

“Please come with me,” she ordered Johanna.

No words were spoken between them as they walked silently toward the hotel’s cellar steps. A light flickered from below as they descended. Before Johanna reached the bottom stair, a feeling of uneasiness pricked at her, but it was too late to turn back.

“I am looking for Mr. Graystone,” she tried to ask the woman whose face was still covered by her cloak. “Have you seen him, Private Malcolm Graystone?”

The woman made no reply until they reached the end of the stairs. Lantern lights flickered in the dark exposing a single door at the end of a hallway.

“The one you seek may not be the one you desire,” she smiled pulling her cloak off her head.

Johanna was surprised to see a beautiful young woman with dark features her Creole accent only enhanced her beauty. Johanna watched the woman walk gracefully toward the door and knocked once and then twice more.

The door opened and Johanna was pushed through a darkened room that was only lit by a small candelabrum which sat alone in the center of the room. Johanna focused on its light. Then she noticed the shadowy figure that ominously sat behind it.

“Welcome, Johanna Lee,” a rough voice came out of the darkness. Each candle flame swayed with each breath he took. Johanna continued to focus on the candles, their wax melting and slowly cascading down making a shape she could not place.

“Do I know you?” she asked with fear in her voice.

“I don’t think so,” he laughed. “But you will get to know me soon enough.” His men laughed.

“Do you know where I can find Mr. Graystone?” she asked ignoring his insinuation.

“Yes and no.” he came out of the darkness.

Johanna gasped. She knew who he was. He was Captain Darren Myers. But, he wasn’t a captain, more like a pirate. He stole cargo ships in harbors and kidnapped women in ports.

“Ah, you recognize me from the wanted posters,” he grinned with excitement.

Johanna still speechless stood still.

“They don’t do me justice. I think I am much more handsome in person,” he laughed. “Don’t you think?”

Johanna stepped backwards. The room had now brightened and she now could see Myers’ men blocking the stairs to her exit. The lamps they held flickered casting shadows about the room. Johanna noticed the woman who had led her into danger had now vanished.

“What do you want?” she asked with more courage than she actually had.

“You are in possession of something that is very valuable. It will come in handy as a bargaining tool for my freedom,” Myers grumbled.

“I have nothing in my possession,” she replied.

“Oh but you do, my sweet,” he said.

Johanna stared him down, “I am telling you, I have no jewelry or anything of value on me.”

Captain Myers laughed and his men followed. Shadows continued to dance around the room, giving it a haunted feeling.

“Jewels and money I have plenty of. That is not what I am speaking of,” Myers continued. “Freedom is what I seek.”

“There is no way anyone would give you pardon for what you have done. Not even for all the riches in the world,” Johanna said in frustration.

“No, but for winning a war, there are those who would sell their souls,” Myers said.

“You must be mistaken,” she said. “I do not have anything in my possession worth any value.” She again surprised herself with her lack of fear.

“Oh, I think you do pretty lady,” said Myers. “There is a rumor that your uncle is friends Copyright 2016 - 2024