Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,11

last episode with Preston. He stayed by Johanna like a watchdog. He couldn’t sleep anyway. He had been going over in his mind what he whispered to her at the river. He was appalled that he felt that way toward someone so difficult and proud. Her attitude toward them insinuated that they were beneath her. He didn’t know why he wanted her. What she needed was to be put in her place. He eyed her in the dark when he noticed movement above him. When she leaned over to get a closer look at him he saw her falling and immediately braced himself for the impact. He was going to scold her back into her bed, but something happened when their bodies touched. Johanna’s warmth enveloped him. His very soul steamed with fire. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, embrace her, and love her. He couldn’t open his eyes it was too much.

Johanna, inches away from his tempting lips, slowly came down to touch them gently with her own. Breath to breath, lips barely touching, Johanna hoped for some tender response to her closeness. David began to snore.

“You Yankee fool,” Johanna whispered as she picked herself up off of him and made her way back into bed.

David covered his laugh with a cough. He turned over so she could not see his face. Again without knowing it, she made him laugh. What made him do such a thing? David pondered this until the sun rose. Holding the lovely Johanna in his arms was the only thing he could think of since they met. Was it his devotion to his mission? No, the mission could not be further from his thoughts. It’s only Johanna that he wants or ever wants. She was right he was a fool. They both stared into the night waiting for the morning to arrive thinking only of each other and the missed opportunity of passion.

# # #

To Johanna’s relief, morning finally came.

“Where are you going?” Johanna whispered to Jacob as he started toward the door.

“Well, good morning Miss Lee,” surprised to see her awake he asked, “Did you sleep well?”

“I guess, the best I can under the circumstances,” she shrugged with a half smile.

“I am going to get wood, would you like to join me for a walk?” He asked cheerfully as he held the door open for her.

Tiptoeing past David, she shook her head in disappointment. She followed Jacob out the door and they both disappeared into the woods.

“Are you married, Mr. Evans?” Johanna asked.

“Yes, my wife is in Harrisburg waiting for my return,” he answered not noticing the set of footprints that lay on the muddy ground next to their own.

“Is that where we are going?” Johanna asked.

“No. We are headed to New Orleans. We need to get out of enemy territory,” he answered.

“Isn’t Louisiana on its way to succession too?” she asked.

“It isn’t yet. We have a contact there. We must be meeting them soon,” Jacob looked at Johanna who seemed confused. “I am not sure what David has planned for you. Don’t worry though, I know him, and he would never jeopardize your safety and I will make sure of it.” He smiled and looked down at her in a fatherly sort of way.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself,” she insisted.

“Yes, I could confirm that,” he said and they both smiled.

“Are we waiting for my uncle?” she asked.

“I am not sure what we’re doing to tell the truth. This is McPherson’s show,” explained Jacob.

“Oh, he can sometimes be so difficult. Is that a Northern thing or does he not have a mother to teach him manners, especially around ladies?” asked Johanna.

“Ah, he’s not so bad once you get to know him. He has a great Christian family actually. And to tell you the truth they would be appalled he is treating you so unkindly. I am hesitant to go on any further, Miss Lee,” he paused for her attention, “he is like a brother to me.”

“I’m sorry. I spoke out of place,” she agreed.

Jacob smiled at her, “I’ve never seen him act this way before and we have been friends for a very long time.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Johanna asked with much interest.

Jacob didn’t want to say anymore for he knew David felt more than he was letting on. “He is generally the perfect gentleman, ladies love him, men respect him, and well, ever since we met you, he has been, let’s Copyright 2016 - 2024