Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,12

just say different.”

“I see,” Johanna didn’t know what to make of this.

“Don’t take him too seriously. He likes to antagonize you,” Jacob said in a whisper.

“I got that,” she said. “I think he needs someone to teach him a good lesson.”

“Would that be you?” he asked in a laugh.

“Is he married?” asked Johanna ignoring Jacob’s questioned.

“Not yet, but his mother is trying to marry him off,” Jacob explained.

“Marry him off?” Johanna’s heart sank and yet she didn’t know why she even cared. So what if he was to marry. “Who is she trying to have Mr. McPherson marry?” Forcing a smile, Johanna swallowed hard. She felt a bit weak and she began to feel a cold sweat tingle her body. She looked up toward the pale gray storm clouds that began to form and tried to stop her eyes from tearing. Why it was affecting her was perplexing.

“Kathleen? She is a friend of the family. She has had feelings for him since they were kids. Maybe someday he will settle down and have a family, although he proclaims he wants to go where he pleases without any ties, any responsibilities to anyone,” announced Jacob with a slight grin.

“That sounds like something he would say,” Johanna said with a harsh tone, lifting her head in a prideful stance.

Jacob followed her back to the cabin holding the stack of wood he collected. He tried to hold back his laugh at Johanna’s observation and her prideful manner.

Turning to Jacob once again, she asked in almost a whisper, “Does he love her?”

“McPherson? Ah, he loves every woman and they love him too,” said Jacob. He noticed her emerald eyes had now turned glossy as if she were about to cry, even though she tried desperately to hide it. Jacob sighed and then rested his hand on her shoulder. “Is he getting to you? Are you actually beginning to care for David?”

“Oh no, absolutely not, I don’t care in the least. I have much higher standards, Mr. Evans. Besides he is so, so, difficult,” She stated as she gained control of her emotions once again.

“And you are not?” Jacob laughed.

Rain began to sprinkle down on them and Jacob and Johanna continued their trip back to the cabin.

“And where the hell have you two been?” David asked angrily in a way that made them both feel like they were kids being scolded by a parent.

“We went to gather wood for the fire.” Jacob answered quickly before Johanna could speak.

“Do you have a problem with that?” Johanna glared.

“As a matter of fact I do,” he scowled, “there are footprints outside that do not belong to any of us. Someone knows we’re here we need to leave immediately.”

David grabbed her arm forcing her towards him and stared down at her. “Listen little girl, you could be in danger, you need to stop acting like a child, and listen to me for once.”

“No, you could be in danger. Let go of my arm.” Johanna said gritting her teeth and pulling away. “I’m tired of you treating me terribly. Don’t touch me, don’t talk to me, and don’t even look at me.” Johanna reached for the doorknob.

“Where do you think you’re going?” David yelled after her as if she were a child being scolded.

“Out!” she screamed back, slamming the door behind her, thunder cracked adding to the drama, and she stepped into the pouring rain which now fell like autumn leaves in a gusty breeze.

“It’s raining; you’re going to catch the death of yourself.” David bit his lip. “I guess I better go get her, you’ll never know what kind of trouble she’ll get herself into.” He left without looking at Preston and Jacob’s blank expressions as they watched the scene before them unfold.

Johanna’s silken body was now drenched, the dampness had cooled her hot head and she raised her hands above her head to feel the freedom she felt out in the open. The heavy beats of the rain pounding the ground drowned out David’s voice calling for her. When she finally did hear him, she ducked behind a tree so he’d pass.

“Johanna?” he yelled again this time in a concerned and frantic tone. The rain now poured harder, but beyond the splashing rain he heard a faint giggle. Turning he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her golden hair clinging to her face, dress and petticoat beneath stuck to her so tightly it showed her full figure, and that smile, that teasing smile, Copyright 2016 - 2024