Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,10

Preston, who was caught off guard, had suddenly felt the sting of the wall on his back with a powerful force that sent him straight to the wooden floor.

“Keep your hands off of her!” David warned in a protective tone.

“Oh, I see you are saving her for yourself?” Preston questioned David and laughed as he rubbed his cheek and picked himself up.

“Just knock it off or I will report your insubordination to our commander,” threatened David.

“Come on McPherson I was just having a little fun,” Preston tried to laugh it off.

“Keep in mind we have a mission. Let’s stick to it. We are not here to have fun,” ordered David.

As Preston walked out of the cabin to retreat from the situation, he leaned into Johanna and whispered,” You won’t always have McPherson to protect you.”

“Protect me from what, pray tell.” Johanna boldly stood her ground unaffected by his warning.

Preston did not answer her question, turned and exited.

After David protected her Johanna noticed him in a different light. Throughout the day his manner became more relaxed and he almost seemed friendly. She watched him as he bantered with Jacob to everyone’s amusement. She even once found herself laughing out loud and had to cover her mouth to be discrete.

That evening, David read a few lines out of her magazine as they all sat by the fireplace.

“Is this collection about romance?” David asked her.

Embarrassed Johanna covered, “It’s more about family,” she took it out of his hand “I think that is enough for today thank you.”

“Those are Miss Austen’s writings?” Jacob asked.

“Yes,” said Johanna.

“Oh Emma loves her stories. They are all about romance and love. It’s a girl thing David,” Jacob said.

“Now I am curious,” David asked Johanna scratching his unshaven chin. “How much do you know about it?”

“Know about what?” Johanna asked confused.

“Know about romance and love?” David smiled teasing her.

Johanna refused to answer his question and put her magazine away. Jacob grinned at David’s question while David smirked at her uncomfortable reaction.

Afterward David taught Johanna a card game in which she played quite well. She promised to teach him backgammon some day, and quickly retracted in embarrassment of the situation.

“I guess I forgot for a second where I was,” she said. They all laughed.

During the two days she was held captive, they secretly watched one another when they thought neither was looking. It didn’t go unnoticed by Jacob. He began to feel fondly toward Johanna and actually felt obliged to remind David that there was no way it would ever work out between them.

“What are you talking about Jacob? I feel nothing for her,” said David.

“McPherson, just remember what you are here for. Besides, could you imagine…” Jacob said.

“No, I cannot, and I would not,” interrupted David.

“Just don’t get involved in something you are never intending to finish. I have spent time talking to her, she reminds me of my own niece. She doesn’t deserve your false advances,” said Jacob.

“I have no intentions of any kind, she is a Southerner, Lee’s niece, and a royal pain,” proclaimed David.

“Are you falling for her?” questioned Jacob with a look of concern on his face.

“Are you insane? Are you listening to anything I am telling you?” David asked in denial. “If she needs a companion, Preston can have her.”

Jacob eyed David not believing him, “If you haven’t fallen in love with her, leave her be, it will only end in heartache for the both of you!”

“Fallen in love with her?” David repeated. “That’s absurd! You seem to be the only one enticed by her beauty. I am about done with this, this mission and this conversation.”

# # #

In the dusk of the early morning amidst their slumber, Johanna awoke and scanned the room. She saw Jacob and Preston asleep across the room slightly snoring. She quickly sat up and thought in a brief instant she should try to escape. The idea was quickly extinguished when she realized David lay on the floor beside her fast asleep. She tried to get a better look at him, so she leaned over a bit too much and then she fell right on top of him. Johanna could feel his fiery breath upon hers though he did not make a sound. Her body froze, though it was inflamed with fireworks that exploded a thousand times inside her. She wanted more. She longed for his touch. Did he have any idea she had fallen upon him? Or fallen for him?

David had been afraid to fall asleep since the Copyright 2016 - 2024