Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,9

hours, her insides burned with volcanic pleasures that exploded each time she inhaled. A passion they never felt before, her untouched ivory skin invited his touch. David’s gaze was fixed onto her velvet lips and he slowly bent down to taste them. Johanna could feel his steamy breath colliding toward her own. Inches away from her lips, she brought the passionate moment to a complete halt.

“Get off me you, brute!” she said coldly as her fists began to beat his chest with what strength she had left. David’s sapphire eyes questioned her hardened look. He wondered how such passion could turn to such rage. Was he mistaken about her feelings, their connection? Was he so sure of himself?

“What’s wrong Beauty? Am I too much for you?” he teased with his boyish grin.

Quickly the fogginess in her head cleared, she remembered his whispers when he thought she had drowned. Maybe she just imagined it, but his words began to affect her. She eyed him with curiosity. David had a hold of her wrists to prevent her from attack when her fists froze. It was silent once again, she watched David lean over her, Johanna closed her eyes giving into the yearning she suddenly had for his kiss. She pulled her chin up waiting for his lips to meet hers.

David smirked trying not to laugh out loud. He bent over closer as she opened her eyes to meet his once again, and David grabbed her dress, that sat in a pile next to her, and threw them upon her undressed body.

“Hurry, dinner’s waiting,” David said turning toward the old wooden cottage. Horrified, Johanna’s face turned ghostly white before it could redden, and she fell unconscious, hiding her humiliation.

David could hardly bear to turn to her once more, but when she didn’t make a sound behind him, he saw her lifeless body lay upon the rocks.

Chapter 5

avid wrapped Johanna’s dress around her, picked her up in his arms and brought her to the cottage.

“What’s wrong with her?” Preston inquired with a look of confusion that matched Jacob’s.

“She passed out. Could you guys go get some wood for the fire?” David asked without looking at them.

Following orders both men abruptly left the cabin. David laid her on the abandoned bed. He gently stroked her long dampened hair. Trying to coax her awake, he whispered softly in her ear, “Miss Lee, can you hear me?”

Her swollen eyes opened enough to see David’s golden face. She felt worse than she had ever felt; she was hungry, weak, and humiliated.

“You’re going to be all right my Southern Beauty,” he continued to whisper, “I will never let anything happen to you.” Johanna heard him but she was powerless to sleep and she again belonged to the void of darkness.

That night, Johanna awoke to see the cheery face of Preston as he held tight her hand. Alcohol reeked on his breath and before she could speak, his coarse lips came down hard upon hers.

“Get away from her, Myers!” David fiercely called out as he gripped Preston’s hair tightly between his clenched fingers, pulling him away from the frightful Johanna.

“Sorry about that, he had a little too much whiskey. He won’t bother you again,” David reassured the frightened Johanna. She fell back into her deepened slumber, forgetting about Preston’s advances. She only dreamt of what she felt in her heart, a love for the man who sat by her bed, jealous stricken of Preston’s affection toward her. His hidden rage kept secret with his flaming desire for her.

Throughout the day, David would barely talk to her let alone look at her. She was surprised how easily it was to befriend Jacob. He seemed more like a friendly butcher than a soldier. They talked of books and of family. With an occasional added word from David like, “hmmm.” Preston spent most of the day outdoors scouting and gathering firewood, which suited Johanna just fine. She felt very uncomfortable when he was around. He would stare at her with eagerness as he lurked in the dark corner of the room. He seemed almost like a black cat ready to pounce on its prey. She tried not to notice him staring at her when he thought no one was looking. His sinister manner only intensified when she found him hovering over her while she slept.

David tried to keep Preston’s advances at bay, especially when he had found him smelling her hair. Without warning David lunged at him and threw Preston against the wall. Copyright 2016 - 2024