Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,45

them. Scheming.” She arched a brow. “I hate just standing here, doing nothing.”

The doors to the lab opened.

Soldiers brought in Nisid and several rogues.

They were battered, but alive.

“Oh, no,” Kaira said.

Chapter Eighteen

Kaira stared in horror as Kantos soldiers dragged Nisid and his rogues in.

They were lined up, just outside the glass wall. The soldiers held their sharp arms up to the rogues’ necks.

Beside her, she sensed a terrible tension from Thane. His hands were balled into tight fists.

Nisid lifted his head. The side of his face was bloody.

We will execute the traitors, one by one, until you exit the containment box and give us the pathogen.

Shit. “Thane?”

“I’m thinking.”

“Nisid risked everything to help us. We can’t let the council kill him and his people.”

“I have no idea when my warship will arrive. If we fight…”

If they exited the containment box, they would be signing their own death warrants.

“If we don’t fight, if we don’t try to save Nisid and the others, then we compromise our beliefs, who we are.”

He touched her jaw. “Have I mentioned how much I admire you?”

She smiled.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, Thane.” She was filled with a warmth that washed out her fear.

She couldn’t live her life based on fear. She’d already missed out on a lot by doing that. Thane had given so much to her in the time they’d been together. If they died today, at least she’d die living, fighting for what was right, and with Thane by her side.

And loved by an amazing Eon warrior.

“Plan?” she whispered.

“Crouch behind me. I’m going to blow our cage apart.”

“You said it was indestructible?”

“Yes, to a strong alien battering against it. Not to a bomb blast.”

Her heart knocked against her ribs. “You’re going to generate an explosion?”


“How will we survive?”

“Our armor will help protect us, and I need you to generate a shield. I’ll leap behind it with you, as soon as I activate the explosion.”

She studied his face. “Promise?”

A faint smile, gone in a second. “I promise, my fierce Terran.” He met her gaze dead on. “I won’t lie. There won’t be much time.”

“Make it behind the shield, warrior, otherwise I’ll be very upset.”

He kissed her.

Make your decision, Eon.

She ignored the elite. “And after we blow the cage out?”

“It should generate some confusion. We have to take down the seven elites. Cut off the head, and the rest will lose their leaders.”

She set her shoulders back. “Let’s do this.” She crouched down.

She sensed the Kantos watching her. Thane stepped forward, his feet spread.

God, he was so strong, radiating power.

He lifted his hands.

Kaira watched green energy start to spark between his fingers.

“The Eon will never bow to the Kantos.” Thane’s voice was loud and strong. “We will stop your wanton destruction.”

He was distracting the Kantos from what he was doing.

Kaira lifted her arm, ready to form the shield, but she didn’t want to do it too early and give them away.

“And Earth,” she yelled. “We stand with the Eon. You look at us as prey, food—” she shot a hot look at the elites “—well, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

This is pointless. You’re trapped, alone. Your allies are beaten, your own people are too far away to help. Give up.

“Never. You’re wrong.” Kaira shook her head. “Our people stick together. We don’t throw our people away like you do. Your soldiers are interchangeable to you, faceless fodder. You throw them at your enemies, uncaring what happens to them.”

She saw the soldiers shift uneasily. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Thane’s ball of energy was growing.

“You have no concept of love.” She looked at her warrior and her heart swelled. “And how hard we fight for those we care about.”

“Ready?” Thane murmured.


Everything happened in a blinding rush.

Thane threw the energy ball.

Kaira tossed up her shield and it shimmered green in front of her.

Elites screamed in her head.

Thane leaped high, over the top of her shield.

The world exploded.

Kaira went blind. The light was so bright, washing out the room. She felt a wave of heat wash over her skin.

Thane. She heard the glass walls blow outward.

Suddenly, he dropped beside her, the back of his armor smoking.


“I’m okay,” he said through gritted teeth.

She reached out to touch him, patting his back. She saw raw, red patches through the holes in his armor.

Then the room came back into view.

Soldiers were crashing into others, and some lay on the ground, shuddering.

Their allies jerked free and fought.

“Let’s go.” Thane rose, his sword morphing, his face set.

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