Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,46

like an avenging angel.

Kaira stepped up beside him, her sword a match to his.

They charged into the fight.

Kaira cut down a soldier. Nearby, Thane was a wild storm as he fought.

She spun. Another two soldiers had Nisid pinned down. She leaped onto the back of one, and sliced across its neck.

As the alien dropped, she leaped free. The other soldier spun to confront her, and Nisid attacked from behind.

Thank you, Kaira.

“Let’s get out of here, Nisid.”

Thane was fighting hard, cutting through the soldiers, trying to get to the elites. She saw that he’d already taken down two of them.

Stop them. The elites screamed in fear.

Kaira lifted her sword. That was her mate. Unstoppable.

Then suddenly, pain ripped through her leg.

She looked down.

A dying soldier had stabbed his arm through her thigh.

Shit. Blood gushed and she collapsed. It hurt worse than any pain she’d suffered before. The blow had hit something vital.

Kaira. Nisid stood over her, and fought back a soldier.

Thane’s head turned. “Kaira!”


Pain tore through Thane—both Kaira’s and his own. She was hurt.

Protect Thane and Kaira. Nisid’s order echoed in his head. The rogues moved in around them.

Thane sliced the gut of another soldier and leaped the distance to Kaira. She lay sprawled on the floor, blood pumping from the terrible wound on her thigh.

He dropped down beside her, fighting to find the doctor inside him.

“Fancy meeting you here,” she said.

He heard the effort it took her to talk. She was in pain, and losing too much blood.

“Quiet.” He probed the wound.

She groaned.

He used his helian to morph a thin black tie, then wrapped it around her upper thigh. It slowed the blood loss, but didn’t stop it.

He put his hand over the wound and applied pressure.

If only he had more havv.

She met his gaze. Her brown skin was already taking on a pale tint.

“Promise me you’ll make it out,” she said. “And make these assholes pay.”

Thane ground his teeth together and shook his head. “We’ll get out. Together.”

Around them, Nisid and their allies fought to protect them.

“You need to help Nisid,” she said. “You need to kill the final elites and get the pathogen out of here.”

There were four elites left, milling near the door.

No. He wouldn’t leave her.

She gripped the back of his neck and pulled his forehead to hers.

“Whatever happens, my handsome mate, I’ll always be with you.” Her chest hitched. “Life goes on. It grows and morphs and changes, and we’re all a part of it, even…even if we aren’t around. I probably should’ve realized this earlier.”

Anger swelled in Thane’s chest. He couldn’t change this, couldn’t help his mate. Here she was being brave again.

He kissed her. “Live.” He pressed her hands to her wound. “Keep the pressure on.”

She nodded. “I will. I love you.”

He rose, letting his anger flare and turn into a solid flame inside him. “I love you too. We’ll have years to show each other how much.” He wanted to believe that.

She gave him a trembling smile. They both knew he was lying.

His sword morphed. His hands were covered in his mate’s blood and he wanted vengeance.

Knowing she lay dying, because of the Kantos, made a red haze close over him.

With a roar, Thane charged. He shoved past Nisid and his rogues. With a lunge, he swung his sword.

As he battled toward the remaining elite, the room became a bloodbath of Kantos green. He would spill their blood, as they’d spilled Kaira’s.

He saw the elite tense, one of them shifting toward the doorway.

Not happening.

Thane leaped high, his sword overhead. He brought it down in a wild slash, and decapitated an elite.

The other three backed up.

We have more soldiers coming. You’re outnumbered. You cannot win.

“I can kill you three, and then your other soldiers and bugs will be leaderless.”

More will rise. There will always be more. It is the might of the Kantos.

“You three will still be dead.”

He lunged.

With powerful diagonal slashes, he carved into the closest elite.

Protect the council. The mental screams of the elite echoed loudly.

Kantos soldiers and bugs rushed through the door.

Thane kept fighting, pulling on his pain and sorrow to fuel him. “Nisid. Protect Kaira.”

Yes, Thane.

Thane spun and sliced. He shoved through a wall of soldiers. An elite cowered, and he struck it down.

A blast of energy hit the soldier beside him.

Thane spun and saw Kaira, her face creased with pain, firing a blaster.

Pride cut through him.

Two elite to go.

But more soldiers crammed into the lab and he was forced back.

He fell into line with the rogues. Hit. Slash. Kick. Copyright 2016 - 2024