Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,44

see that some soldiers had thrown ropes on the centipede and were pulling it away. It was still hissing.

The elite filed in. There were only seven of them now.

“Looks like you’re missing a few of your council,” he said.

The elite glared.

They will be avenged. The lead elite stepped up to the glass wall. Give us the pathogen.

“No,” he said.

“Go fuck yourself,” Kaira added.

The elite’s eyes glowed. We can kill you. We can pump your prison with poison.

“But you want me as a test subject?”

We will flush you out, Eon. The elite turned and nodded.

Soldiers carried a box over to the containment cage. They held it up to a small experiment hole.


Bugs flowed into their containment box. They were the size of his finger. They had six black legs, a sturdy body with a green back end, and a small head with beady, black eyes.

As they crawled across the floor, their green abdomens glowed.

“They look like ants,” Kaira said.

One leaped and hit Thane’s arm. It nipped him and burning pain coursed through his arm.

He flicked the creature off. “They sting.”

Several flew at them and he batted them aside.

“Ow.” Kaira slapped a hand to her neck. She wrenched a bug off and threw it.

Thane slashed with his sword. He cut through the body of one insect, and green glowing liquid splashed his boot.

“God, it burns.” Kaira swung her own sword, and kicked another bug.

Together they swung and kicked. Both of them suffered more stings.

Finally, all the ants were dead. Kaira slumped against Thane, her face coated in perspiration.


“I’m okay. Just hurts.”

He felt the burn under his skin and knew his helian would be blunting the worst of it.

And this was just the beginning. No doubt the elites had much more torture planned.

An elite stepped close to the glass, staring through at them. Give us the pathogen.

Kaira trembled. “Screw you. It’ll take more than a few ants to take us down.”

So brave. Thane stroked her jaw. “I hate that you’re in pain.”

She let out a small groan. “Nothing I can’t handle.” She gave him a faint smile. “With you by my side, I can face anything.” She cupped his cheek. “I’ve been acting tough, protecting myself. But loving someone, having someone you trust at your back, that’s worth everything. Every risk.”

“I love you, Kaira.”

Her smile widened. “Good. I love you too, Thane, and I’m feeling very grateful that you’re my mate.”

Her words flowed through him. They meant everything to him.

His mate.

He grabbed her and kissed her.

If you’re waiting for help from the traitors, it won’t come.

The elite’s voice made them turn. Thane’s gut hardened.

He watched as soldiers dragged in several rogues, then strung them up by ropes.

“No,” Kaira breathed.

The rogues were dead.

Thane gritted his teeth. He didn’t see Nisid among the dead.

“They just wanted to live.” Kaira pressed her hand to the glass. “To be safe and left alone.”

He slid an arm around her.

Come out and give us the pathogen.

“No,” Thane repeated.

We want you alive, Eon, but not the Terran. The elite cocked his head. We possess numerous poisons that won’t hurt you, but will kill her.

Thane tensed.

“Don’t listen to them.” She grabbed his hands. “Whatever happens, we don’t give them the pathogen.”

He met her gaze.


“I…won’t let them hurt you.”

Her chin jutted. “And I won’t let them hurt you. We fight, my mate. You and I, together. We’ve survived everything that’s been thrown at us. We will not roll over.”

“By the warriors, I love you.”

She smiled. “Good.” She turned to look at the elite. “Flood us with poison, asshole.” She formed a helmet and rapped her knuckles against it.

The elite shifted, looking like it wanted to attack her.

We can wait you out. You have no food or water.

“We got a message out,” Thane said. “We both know the Eon are coming.”

The elite pulled back, and huddled with the others.

Kaira pressed a hand to her hip. “They’re up to something. Some way to mess with us and force us out.”

He took her hand and squeezed it. “And we’ll face it.”

He wondered how it was possible to be stuck in the heart of enemy territory, but feel so good. “My ship will come. We just have to hold on.”

She nodded and squeezed back. “When we get out of here, I want a big, soft bed, and a tub of my favorite chocolate chip ice cream.”

“Am I invited to this celebration?”

Kaira grinned. “Oh, yes. I’m going to show you some creative ways to eat ice cream.”

“I look forward to it.”

She stared through the wall. “Look at Copyright 2016 - 2024