Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,41

they blocked your helian?” she whispered.

“I don’t know, but it gives us a better chance.”

Suddenly, she was picked up by the back of her neck. Two soldiers lifted Thane by his arms as others moved in close.

They were led back into the base and marched through the corridors.

Heavy dread settled on her like the awful stench of the place. Finally, the ornate, double doors of the council chamber came into view. Her chest locked.

She and Thane were carried into the chamber and dumped on the floor.

She reached out to touch Thane’s arm. They both looked up.

The nine elites watched them with hard, glowing gazes. She got the sense these elites were old. Their gray skin was stretched tight over their bodies.

We warned you that you would not escape.

She winced at the echo of their mental voices.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said. “Get on with it.”

Buzzing filled the chamber.

You are in no position to be insolent, Terran.

She shot them a sharp grin. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

We look forward to decimating your planet.

She kept her face impassive, but inside, her stomach churned.

“The Eon Empire will not let your wanton destruction continue,” Thane said. “You will be stopped.”

No. The Eon will be powerless to stop the might of the Kantos horde.

“Yada, yada.” Kaira rolled her eyes. She wasn’t going to kneel here and let them see her fear.

The Eon warriors will be left with nothing without their helians.

Thane snarled. “We will never allow you to sever the bonds with our helians. You underestimate us. And you underestimate our allies.”

The group of elite flowed forward. Like a pack of sharks.

Kaira tensed, watching as a few stopped by Thane.

“Leave him alone,” she snapped.

One elite snatched the pathogen vial off Thane’s belt. It held it up in its clawed hand.

This will be the downfall of the Eon.

Thane glared at the elite.

We haven’t yet finished our tests. The elite’s eyes flashed. And you will be the perfect test subject, warrior.

No! Kaira’s heart literally stopped. She watched the color drain from Thane’s face.

She surged up.

An elite caught her throat in its claw. It lifted her off her feet and she kicked. She tried desperately to get free.

She choked. She couldn’t draw a breath. She felt the tips of the claws cutting into her skin, blood sliding down her neck.

There is nothing you can do, Terran, except witness the might of the Kantos.

“Kaira!” Thane yelled. “Let her go.”

Her lungs were burning, the strength leaking out of her body.

Then the elite tossed her and she crashed to the ground. She sucked in some deep breaths.

“Kaira.” Thane reached out an arm.

“I’m…okay,” she croaked.

Their fingers brushed.

Then they were both yanked apart by the soldiers.

Kaira resisted the urge to fight.

Take them to the lab. Prepare him for the test.

She was shoved forward. Ahead of her, several soldiers pushed Thane roughly out of the council chamber.

A raw sense of helplessness rose in her, choking her worse than the elite had.

She stared at Thane. His face was stoic and he stood tall. She knew that he would never give up. Her strong mate, her passionate lover, the man she loved, would fight until he couldn’t anymore.

To watch him ripped apart from his symbiont…

She bit her lip so hard she tasted blood.

She had to find a way to stop this.

But they were alone, beaten, and Kaira was afraid that their luck had run out.

Thane yanked against his captors, but they held him fast.

Another one landed a hard blow to his lower back.

Pain rocketed through his body and he stifled a groan. He felt warmth pulse from his helian, as it tried to help.

His helian.

Panic and fear were an ugly mix in his gut. The Kantos were going to try and tear him and his helian apart.

They’d been bonded since he was a child. His mouth went dry. Without his helian, his mating bond with Kaira would also be destroyed.

He shook his head. He had to focus. He had to find a way to get free.

He wouldn’t let the Kantos hurt Kaira.

Finally, they reached the lab where they’d found the pathogen. One elite swept forward. Strap the Eon down.

Soldiers shoved him toward a bench with heavy-duty straps on it.

“Leave him alone.” Kaira elbowed the soldier guarding her. She sprang toward Thane.

An elite hit her in the back of the head and she dropped to the floor like a rock.

His gut churned. “Kaira.” Cren. He was powerless. He couldn’t protect his mate.

She pushed up on her hands and knees, and gently shook her head.

Their gazes met.

Cren, he loved her. Copyright 2016 - 2024