Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,40


“Thane, over there.”

A set of stairs.

They jogged up them. There was a trapdoor at the top and he pushed it open.

It opened onto a flat area at the top of the base. The bright sunlight made him blink.

“Thank God, fresh air.” Kaira climbed out. “I thought we’d never get away from the Kantos stench.”

They moved across the top of the base to the edge. There were no railings.

“Oh, boy.” Kaira stepped back. “That’s a long way down.”

Thane stared at the Kantos far below. There was no way off the top of the base.

An idea formed, but his gut churned. It was risky.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

He glanced at her and she eyed him intently. His reluctant mate was getting used to reading him. He touched the pathogen vial at his waist. He had to get it to the Rengard. No matter what.

“Thane?” she prompted.

“We have to jump,” he said.

Her eyes shot wide. “What?”

“My helian can create wings between our arms and bodies.”

“Like a wing suit.” She glanced over the edge.

“It will—”

The trapdoor they’d just used opened. A Kantos soldier climbed out, its gaze on them.

“Fuck,” Kaira muttered.

Thane’s pulse pounded. Another trapdoor opened and more Kantos appeared. “It won’t give us powered flight, but it will help us control our glide.”

“Damn.” She bit her lip. “I’m not trained. I don’t know if I can—”

He grabbed her arms. “You can do anything, Kaira. You’ve powered through this entire ordeal without flinching. You’re the bravest woman I know.”

Her face softened.

The soldiers picked up speed, rushing toward them.


Time was up. He wouldn’t let them have her.

He grabbed her and leaped.

Kaira screamed. Thane formed his wings, and felt them snap tight. Kaira’s formed, as well.

“Oh, God. Oh, God.” She chanted the words.

“Ready?” The wind rushed into their faces. He had to let her go because together they were too heavy for his wings alone.

“No, but do it.”

It was so hard to do, but he released her.

She dropped, then glided up. He heard her laugh.

Thane tilted, aiming away from the base.

They needed to find a safe place to land, then avoid any Kantos pursuers.

There was a whapping noise behind them. Whap. Whap. Whap.

He glanced back and saw several huge flying bugs, with large flapping wings, chasing them.

Cren. “Kaira, watch out—”

One of the creatures flew right at her and snatched her out of the air. She was clutched in its claws.


A second later, a heavy weight crashed into Thane. The flying Kantos screeched.

He struggled, the creature’s claws pricking through his armor.

Then the alien wheeled around, taking him back to the Kantos base.

Chapter Sixteen

Kaira was unceremoniously dropped onto the roof of the base. She hit hard and rolled.

She fought back the panic rushing through her. Thane was dropped not far away, hitting the ground with a groan.

Immediately, several soldiers rushed to surround him. They rained blows down on his body.

“No!” She pushed up and ran at them. She formed a sword and attacked the closest soldier.

Something slammed into her, and she fell.

Several soldiers towered over her, sharp arms pointed at her.

Kaira ground her teeth together, and let her sword melt away. She glared at the soldiers before looking for Thane. Her heart clenched. He was on his hands and knees. He spat out a mouth full of blood on the ground.

“Thane.” She tried to move toward him, but the Kantos soldiers stopped her.

He lifted his head. One eye was swelling and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. Her belly clenched to a tight point. Assholes. She wanted to tear into them.

She hated seeing Thane hurt. Her throat closed. Despite everything, and all her best intentions, she’d fallen in love with Thane Kann-Eon.

She’d tried so hard to barricade her heart, but he hadn’t bashed through. No, he’d been like water. A relentless flow against the defenses she’d built, wearing them away. And now he owned a piece of her heart.

Now, she might lose him.

The Kantos would kill them. God, she’d been so stupid. Fighting the attraction between them all this time. She’d been stupid not to cherish every moment they had together.

A soldier shoved her forward. When she reached Thane, she had to stop herself from reaching for him. Buzzing filled the air as the soldiers talked with each other.

“You okay?” His voice was a low, hoarse croak.

“Yes,” she murmured. “The pathogen?”

“The vial’s still intact. Stay alert. We’ll watch for a chance to escape.”

She bit her lip and nodded. They were surrounded by dozens of Kantos soldiers. She couldn’t see how they were going anywhere.

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