Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,42

He loved this woman to the depths of his soul.

Then he was shoved hard and rammed into the bench.

Get on, Eon, or your Terran will pay.

He dragged in a breath and sat on the bench.

“Thane, no,” Kaira cried.

“It’s all right, Kaira.”

She shook her head wildly. “No. None of this is right. I don’t…I don’t want to lose you.”

His heart squeezed, and then he was shoved onto his back by two soldiers. They strapped his arms down, then his legs.

The bindings are reinforced with ingola. The elite’s voice rang in his head.

A muscle ticked in Thane’s jaw. He was well aware how strong ingola metal was. He couldn’t break free.

The Eon will regret their arrogant meddling.

“For the love of God, quit grandstanding,” Kaira muttered.

The elite glared at her.

Once again, despite the dire circumstances, Thane felt the urge to laugh.

The group of elite moved closer, and one held up its bony arm, the vial in its claw.

The pathogen swirled with so many colors. Thane kept his face blank. He had no idea what would happen. The best case, the pathogen didn’t work. But the memory of those dying helians was etched in his head.

He likely wouldn’t survive being torn apart from his helian. His symbiont would die.

He had no idea the effect on Kaira. If he survived, he could be left a wrecked shell.


He turned his head. She struggled with her captor and ripped free.

She sprinted for him and gripped his arm. “I wanted to tell you…I’m falling in love with you.”

Warmth punched through his chest. “My Starlight…”

“Whatever happens, remember that.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

Then she was wrenched away. Cursing, she kicked and struggled against the soldier.

Enough. The elite stepped into view, holding the pathogen vial high. It’s time.

Kaira loved him.

Thane felt a surge of emotion. His gorgeous smart, strong Terran mate loved him.

It was then he realized that she’d loosened the strap on his wrist while she’d kissed him.

By Alqin’s axe, his little Terran was so amazing.

As the elite moved closer, Thane surreptitiously worked on the loose binding. He felt it loosen even more.

He tried not to tense up and give himself away.

The elite stood right beside him now. The pathogen vial looked so delicate in its sharp claws.

Suddenly, a crash sounded behind him. Buzzing filled the air. There was another crash.

Stop them. The elite spun. Kill them all.

Thane had no idea what was going on, but he formed a short sword on his free arm and stabbed the elite in the neck.

The alien made a choked noise. Thane shoved with all his strength through the Kantos’ hard shell. Green blood ran down the elite’s torso. It made another choked, dying sound.

Its claws loosened and the vial started to fall.


Thane quickly dissolved his sword and caught the vial, just in time. He shoved it onto his belt.

He half turned, trying to see what was going on.

And spotted Nisid and several of his rogues fighting the Kantos.

Yes. Thane started to work on freeing his other wrist. The sound of the brutal fight echoed through the lab.

Where was Kaira? He couldn’t see her in the chaos.

A soldier rushed at him. Cren.

Thane abandoned the binding and morphed a sword. He fought one-handed, slashing at the Kantos.

The soldier fell, but another leaped at him. It landed on the bench on top of Thane.

He grunted back a curse. The alien was heavy. He jerked his sword upward and the soldier fell off with a harsh buzzing sound.

He had to get free. He had to find Kaira.

He yanked on the binding. Come on.

Another soldier charged, its arm held up like a spear.

Thane’s heart pounded and he raised his arm. But he knew he wouldn’t have time to create a shield. The soldier would skewer him.

Then the soldier jerked to a halt, like it had hit an invisible wall.

Thane sucked in a breath.

The soldier collapsed.

Behind it stood Kaira, her sword dripping green blood.

Chapter Seventeen

Kaira raced to Thane and cut his bindings.

Then she was yanked against him, his mouth taking hers in a hard, breathless kiss.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Fine, thanks to you.” He swung his legs off the bench.

“Nisid found us.”

“He has excellent timing.”

Her gaze dropped to the vial on his belt. “The pathogen?”

“I’ve got it. Now, let’s get out of here.”

Together, they ducked past fighting Kantos. Several soldiers rushed at them, and they both formed their swords.

Kaira fell into the fight. She wanted to fucking live. A burst of energy filled her.

She slashed across a soldier’s torso, a diagonal cut opening up. As Copyright 2016 - 2024