Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,34

her up and she wrapped her legs around his lean hips. His mouth took hers and she gripped him, kissing him back hungrily.

He gripped her hips, moving her, and then his cock plunged inside her.

She threw her head back and moaned. She was still tender, but that sweet stretch was now an addiction.

He helped her ride him. He stood, feet planted, hands squeezing her ass as she moved up and down. She impaled herself on his cock, again and again.

“Thane… Thane.” Her voice was breathy.

Another thrust, and she came. A torrent of pleasure swamped her. He swallowed her scream, and a second later, he groaned through his own climax. She felt warmth jet inside her.

Thane ran a hand up her back, holding her tight.

She knew he’d never let her fall. She cleared her throat. “I guess we have a mission to prepare for.”

“We do.” He gently set her down. “I can hear Nisid and his soldiers gathering on the main platform.”

She lifted her chin, and their gazes met.


She shook her head. “Don’t say anything, Thane. Our mission is the only thing we should focus on right now.”

His face twisted for a microsecond, then smoothed out. “You want to forget last night happened.” His head dropped. “I understand. I’ll go and get ready—”

She closed the distance between them and pressed her hands to his chest. “I don’t want to forget. Frankly, that would be impossible.”

His black-and-green eyes flared.

“But I want us to survive,” she whispered furiously. “I want us to focus on the mission, so you and I survive. You have to survive, Thane.”

He cupped her cheek, stroking her cheekbone. “I’m sorry if this stirs up bad memories for you.”

“Stay alive.” She made herself step back, even though she wanted to move closer. “Now, let’s get prepped.”

With a nod, he walked into his room and she watched that magnificent male body go.


She discovered that someone had washed and dried her clothes. She fingered the gray pants and sports bra. She was damn glad that she didn’t have to put dirty clothes back on. Once dressed, she tied up her hair. Thane reappeared. He was already clad in his black-scale armor. She imagined her own armor, and it flowed over her skin.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded.

They left their rooms and moved along the walkway. It was hot today, the sunlight bright on her face.

Ahead, she saw Nisid and his soldiers on the platform. They all had green stripes painted across their chests.

I trust you are well rested.

“Yes, thank you,” Thane said. “The accommodation was appreciated.”

“And thank you to whoever cleaned our clothes,” Kaira added.

Nisid nodded his head. Are you ready?

“Yes,” Thane replied.

“What’s the plan?” she asked.

You saw the carts heading into the base. They are filled with supplies. Food, supplies for the labs, metal. The best way in is to hide in a cart.

Thane nodded thoughtfully.

“That’s a great idea,” Kaira agreed.

My team will hijack one. You will both hide in the cart and I will act as the driver.

“You’re sure this will get us inside?” Thane asked.

It will get us close to the front entrance. We will be able to pass through the gatehouses, but at the final checkpoint into the base, the carts are searched. We’ll need to ditch it just before the checkpoint, then climb into the base. My people are all marked with green. That will help you distinguish them from the enemy.

Kaira met Thane’s gaze. She nodded. “Let’s do this.”

Thane and Kaira crouched behind some large boulders.

Nisid and several of his Kantos soldiers had gone to ambush a cart.

Kaira was rocking on the balls of her feet, filled with tension. Thane wanted to touch her. Kiss her.

He closed his eyes. Their night together hadn’t changed anything. It didn’t give him that right. He was well aware that their night was driven by worry, fear, and the knowledge that they might die today.

She was no closer to being his.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

His body and helian said that she was his.

His to protect.

His to love.

“Thane, are you all right?”

He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Fine.”

She touched his arm. “We’ve got this.”

The rattle of a cart broke the moment. Thane looked around the boulder and saw Nisid, leading a cart in their direction.

“Showtime.” Kaira stood.

They moved over to the cart. The shaggy beast pulling it stopped, then stomped its hooves.

Climb in. Nisid clutched the reins of the beast in his good claw. Stay still and quiet.

Thane helped Kaira into the back of the cart. There was gear in crates, some sheaves Copyright 2016 - 2024