Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,33

He’d never felt this good before. Their kisses were frantic, with no control. Her hands slid into his hair.

“Move, Kaira. However you want. However you like it.”

Her eyes flashed. “I like it hard.”

He groaned.

She rose, then drove down. She did it again, impaling herself on his cock each time.

By the warriors. Lights exploded behind his eyes.

He clamped his hands on the sweet curves of her ass. He worked her up and down, their bodies slapping together.

His need for her was beyond control, but he still wanted her pleasure.

“Touch yourself,” he ordered.

Her desperate gaze met his. Her hands slid down her belly, then she was stroking her clit.

Her body clenched hard on his cock. Then she exploded.

“Yes.” Her body bowed. Shaking. “Yes. Yes.”

He gritted his teeth. He wasn’t done.

He pushed up, and heard her surprised gasp. He pressed her to the bed on her hands and knees, pushing her palms flat against the fur.

“Get a good grip,” he warned.

She looked back over her shoulder, her knees open for him.

He shaped her ass, then circled his cock with his other hand. He dragged the tip of his erection through her soaked folds.


With a growl, he drove inside her.

Kaira screamed, her hands twisting on the covers.

He pumped into her. “I…can’t be gentle.” There was too much need riding him.

“Don’t stop. Never stop.” Cries broke from her.

With one hand on her hip, he tangled the other in her hair. She surged back against him, meeting his heavy thrusts.

“Thane.” A whimper. “You’re so deep.”

“Where I belong, Kaira.” He kept thrusting into her welcoming body. “I’d go deeper if it was possible. No you, no me, just us.”

Her body trembled and he slid his hand beneath her. He found that swollen nub.

“I can’t,” she panted. “Not again.”

But he felt her body tightening.

“You sure?” He groaned. He wouldn’t last much longer. “You’re taking me. All of me. I feel you clamping down, hot and tight.”

“God,” she moaned. “Who knew sexy Medical Commander Thane Kann-Eon would talk dirty.”

He covered her, his mouth to her ear and his cock still thrusting deep. “Come for your mate, Kaira. Come on his hungry cock.”

Her head flew back and she cried out his name. Her wild climax shook through her.

It triggered Thane’s release. It felt like getting hit by something big and unforgiving, and not caring one bit. His body shuddered and his vision dimmed.

“Kaira.” His voice was harsh, broken. He jetted inside her, pleasure a hot, electric rush.

He slumped, catching himself so he didn’t drop all his weight on her.

Kaira expelled a breath. “Christ.”

He turned and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Stay. Sleep in my arms tonight.”

A long pause. “Yes.”

If this was all Thane got of her, he’d take it.

Chapter Thirteen

Kaira splashed water on her face, trying to be quiet.

She took a few deep breaths, trying to push her unease away.

It was the morning. She’d woken up with Thane’s warm body pressed against hers, his heavy arm pinning her close to him.

Air shuddered out of her. She’d desperately wanted to stay there, snuggled against him, warm and safe.

Safe. She splashed more water. They weren’t safe. On Crolla, they could die at any moment. Then Thane—so gorgeous and alive—would be gone.

That wasn’t the only cause of her unease.

She thought she’d had good sex, and sometimes great sex. She’d been married for two years to a man she’d loved and she’d never felt any lack.

But what she and Thane had shared last night… After the first round of orgasms, they’d dozed. She’d woken with Thane’s mouth between her legs again. They’d had sex in many positions that she’d never known existed.

He’d woken her again and again.

That wasn’t entirely correct. She’d woken him a couple of times as well.

She shifted, feeling a tender ache between her legs. She glanced down and spotted smudges of bruises on her breasts.

It had been the best, most intense, totally mind-blowing sex of her life. She blew out a breath. She wasn’t sure she could deal with all this.

Well, they had a mission to do today. Get into the Kantos base, or die trying.

So, she’d deal, like she always did.

The adjoining door opened and her pulse did a crazy jump. Time to deal with the awkward, confusing morning after.

I don’t want to get close to you…just kidding, let’s have sex four thousand times.

A naked Thane appeared, a frown on his face. Her gaze went south and unbelievably, her body lit up.


He didn’t say a word. He strode to her, his cock rock hard. Her mouth went dry.

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