Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,32

his big body bucking beneath her.

Then he pushed his mouth firmly between her legs, and raw sensation shot through her.

Focusing the best she could, she sucked his cock into her mouth, inch by inch. His hands clamped on her thighs.

“Kaira.” A guttural groan. It was half curse, half prayer.

His cock throbbed in her mouth. She relaxed and took him deeper.

Then she found a rhythm, desire driving her into a haze-like dream. All she wanted was to feel, and to bring her warrior pleasure.

His groans turned harsher. Then his mouth was back between her legs, working her hard. She writhed, his big hands holding her in place, right where he wanted her.

“Starlight. So good. Too good.” His words vibrated against her.

She pulled off his cock. “Don’t stop.” Then she licked him again, and sucked him back in. She tightened her lips, bobbing, wanting to drive him wild.

“I’m going to come,” he growled.

She hummed against him. His hips bucked up, driving his cock deep into her mouth.

With a curse, he emptied between her lips.

Triumph swamped Kaira. His big body shuddered beneath her from the pleasure she’d given him. She swallowed his release, loving every second.

“Kaira.” His voice was reverent, deep. Then he pulled her back against him, his tongue stabbing deep.

She groaned. She was sensitive, every feeling heightened. Two fingers plunged inside her and she moaned his name.

His tongue worked her clit, then he sucked on it.

She jolted. “Yes. That. There.” She pushed back against him, mindless, just a mass of need.

She needed Thane.

She needed the release only he could give her.

“Come, Kaira. Let me taste your sweetness again.”

His fingers hit a spot and she sucked in a breath, then screamed.

“Thane!” Kaira splintered. Pleasure a deluge that dragged her under.

Sucking in deep breaths, she blinked.

Thane’s strong legs came into view. His cock was still hard, despite his release.

Aftershocks shook through her. Shit, their Kantos allies had to have heard her screams.

Screw it. She felt too good to be embarrassed about it.

Or the fact that Thane’s face was still buried between her legs, one of his hands stroking her hip tenderly.

“Well,” she managed.

Suddenly, her body moved and Thane spun her. He pulled her on top of him, their faces an inch apart.

He kissed her and she tasted herself on his lips. With a groan, she kissed him back.

He grinned at her. He looked younger, and so damn handsome.

“I’m not done yet,” he warned.

She licked her lips. “Oh?”

Oh? That was the best she could do? Really, with a naked Thane Kann-Eon under her, and her brain fried from orgasms, she couldn’t really blame herself.

“Hold on, sweet, sexy Kaira.” His hands stroked up her back. “I’ve lots of pleasure to give you.”

Despite his release, Thane’s body was still tight and heavy with desire.

For Kaira.

For his mate.

She sat up. Just looking at her perfect breasts and the tight buds of her nipples, made him throb.

He wrapped his hands around her waist. She stroked her hands down his chest.

“You have the perfect body.” She smiled. “You’re the perfect fantasy.”

He didn’t want to be her fantasy. He wanted to be her reality. “Nobody’s perfect.”

She scooted back, brushing over his swollen cock and making him groan.

“Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.” She traced his ribs, the muscles of his abdomen, making them tighten. “You probably know the names of all these muscles, and how they connect.”

He nodded.

Her clever hands circled his cock and pumped it. He groaned her name.

“Tell me what you want, Thane?”

“You.” All of you.

She pumped him again. “I’m going to feel this.”

His gut tightened. She was small and he wasn’t. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. And if it does hurt a little, it’ll feel good.”

Cren. She was seducing him with her husky voice.

She rose up, her thighs spread wide. He stroked his hands down them and she made a needy sound.

She sank down, so the head of his cock nestled inside her.

Thane felt his muscles strain. He didn’t take his gaze off her face. “Take me,” he growled.

She sank down farther, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed. “So big, thick.”

He groaned. “You feel so good.” Tight, wet. “I can’t…”

He wanted to thrust into her, hard and deep. So there was nothing between them.

She pressed her hands to his chest and she moaned. With another thrust of her hips, he was lodged inside her tight body.

Their gazes met. Her eyes were feverish. His probably looked the same.

He surged up. He had to kiss her.

Face-to-face, her body taking his. Copyright 2016 - 2024